☝Eclectic Chair #14☝Podcast’s Player Buttons Here☝
Eclectic Chair Podcast Lives Here:
The 10th Anniversary Eclectic Chair Podcast #14
with Trish Lewis is pulled out by
The Hangabouts who wonder why
The 10th Anniversary Eclectic Chair Podcast #14
with Trish Lewis is pulled out by
The Hangabouts who wonder why
Wonder Why and Illustrated Bird,
You Changed Your Mind?
Hess Street E.P.,
It’s Supposed To Be because
The More Things Change…
The More They Stay The Same,
Baby So Are We) so they Dine On Danger,
a Roller Coaster when
they Blame It On Hoboken,
Leanin’ On the Shovel
That’s the All of It,
Family, Friends, and The Good Life,
A New Day,
was Born On The River,
Good Woman Down,
his Santa Fe Steamer so you’ll
Your Ground for his Roadhouse Revelation,
to Meet Me In The Middle
so we'll be Closer,
Fame and Glory to Blow,
a Bad Attitude,
are Rippin’ Up Time,
You Can Leave Your Hat On,
The Present Above The Fold,
Tomorrow in the Childhood Home,
We Already Have Birds That Sing,
A History Of Ghosts
the Eclectic Chair back
down on the table
his Hurricane Unleashed!
Your Seat.
Thanks to Tomaca Govan
of Indie Spirit Magazine
for the interview:
Thanks to Tomaca Govan
of Indie Spirit Magazine
for the interview:
Wednesday December 31st New Year’s Eve -
Eagles Club, Sanford, MI
Saturday January 24th - Tri City Brewing Company Bay City, MI
Saturday February 21st - Hubble’s Boondocks, Coleman, MI
Saturday January 24th - Tri City Brewing Company Bay City, MI
Saturday February 21st - Hubble’s Boondocks, Coleman, MI
Friday February 27th - Whites Bar in Saginaw, MI
Jeff Yantz & The Barnhands perform at
The Governors
Quarters - January 10th @ 8:00pm
☮Thank you for
listening and perusing this site.☮
program is produced as a labor of love in
Thanks to Beth & Bob Hausler
Eclectic Chair Podcast Here:
The Eclectic Chair on Facebook:
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ECLECTICCHAIR
Email: radiochair@gmail.com
Lewis on Facebook:
Review Magazine:
Eclectic Chair Podcast #14 with Trish Lewis
1. The Hangabouts “I Wonder Why” Illustrated Bird 2014 Futureman Records https://futuremanrecords.bandcamp.com/
or http://www.hangabouts.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/hangabouts
or https://twitter.com/TheHangabouts
2. The Hangabouts “Illustrated Bird” Illustrated Bird 2014 Futureman Records https://futuremanrecords.bandcamp.com/
or http://www.hangabouts.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/hangabouts
or https://twitter.com/TheHangabouts
3. The Legal Matters
“Have You Changed Your Mind” The Legal
Matters 2014 Blunk Street https://www.facebook.com/thelegalmatters or http://www.chrisrichardsandthesubtractions.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/andyreedmusic or https://www.facebook.com/phenomcats or http://www.allmusic.com/artist/the-legal-matters-mn0003263088/biography
4. Donny Brown “The Driving Song” Hess Street E.P. 2014 Self http://www.donnybrownmusic.com/ or https://donnybrownmusic.bandcamp.com/releases
or https://soundcloud.com/hess-street-songs
or https://www.facebook.com/donnybrownmusic
or https://www.youtube.com/user/donnybrownmusic
5. Gar Francis “Another Cowboy Rides” The More Things Change…The More They Stay
The Same 2014 Bongo Boy Records http://www.bongoboyrecords.com/
or http://www.garfrancis.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/garfrancismusic
or http://www.reverbnation.com/garfrancis
or https://www.facebook.com/garfrancis
6. Gar Francis “How It’s Supposed To Be” The More Things Change…The More They Stay
The Same 2014 Bongo Boy Records http://www.bongoboyrecords.com/
or http://www.garfrancis.com/ or http://www.reverbnation.com/garfrancis
7. Lost Dog Found “These Times Are Tough
(But Baby So Are We)” Dine On Danger
2014 Songs in The Key Of Steve http://www.lostdogfound.com/
or https://www.youtube.com/user/TheLostdogfoundband
or https://www.facebook.com/ldfband
8. Sharon Glassman featuring Wende
Harston “Roller Coaster” Blame It On
Hoboken Upcoming 2014 Self http://sharonglassmanlive.com/
or http://www.trespassmusic.org/ or
or https://www.youtube.com/user/SharonGlassmanLive
or https://twitter.com/ClassicQuirkySG
9. Paddy Mills “Race To The Bottom” Race To The Bottom 2014 Ormal Nye http://www.paddymills.com/ or https://www.reverbnation.com/paddymills or https://www.facebook.com/PaddyMillsFolkSinger
10. Jeff Yantz and The
Barnhands “Leanin’ On the Shovel” That’s
the All of It 2014 Big Forehead http://jeffyantz.com or http://www.reverbnation.com/jeffyantz or https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jeff-Yantz-Singer-Songwriter/146239148754094
11. Bob Hausler “Ain’t Hit the Bottom” Family, Friends, and The Good Life 2014
BH Productions http://bobhausler.com/ or http://www.reverbnation.com/bobhausler or https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bob-Hausler/217881295616
12. E.G.
Kight “Low Mileage Woman” A New Day
2014 Blue South http://www.egkight.com/
or https://twitter.com/EGKightMusic
or https://www.facebook.com/pages/EG-Kight-Music/224059361025039
13. Joe
Sullivan “Can’t Go Home” Schlock Star
2014 Self https://www.facebook.com/joe.sullivan.5243
or https://www.facebook.com/schlockstar
14. Hurricane
Ruth “Big Helen” Born On The River 2014
Ruth LaMaster http://www.hurricaneruth.com/
or https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hurricane-Ruth/204514259582328
15. Low Society
“You Can’t Keep A Good Woman Down” You
Can’t Keep A Good Woman Down 2014 Icehouse Records http://www.screaminblues.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/LowSocietyBand
or https://twitter.com/losox or https://plus.google.com/+Screaminblues/posts
16. David
Corley “Lean” Available Light 2014
Self/ Joygernaut Music http://davidcorleymusic.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/DavidCorleyMusic or https://twitter.com/DavidCorleyINDY
17. David Vest “Santa Fe Steamer” Roadhouse Revelation 2014 Cordova Bay Ent http://www.davidvest.ca/ or https://www.facebook.com/davidvestmusic or https://twitter.com/davidvest
18. David Vest “Stand Your Ground” Roadhouse Revelation 2014 Cordova Bay
Ent http://www.davidvest.ca/ or https://www.facebook.com/davidvestmusic or https://twitter.com/davidvest
Rain and The Caesars “Meet Me In The Middle” Closer 2014 Self http://www.laurarain.net/
or https://www.facebook.com/LauraRainAndTheCaesars
or https://twitter.com/MsLauraRain
or https://laurarainthecaesars.bandcamp.com/
Louis Prima Jr. and The Witnesses “Fame and Glory” Blow 2014 Warrior Records http://www.warriorrecords.com/ or http://louisprimajr.com/
or http://www.reverbnation.com/louisprimajr
or https://www.facebook.com/LouisPrimaJr.Witnesses
or https://www.youtube.com/user/louisprimajr
Johnny Drummer “Don’t Call Me Trash” Bad
Attitude 2014 Earwig Music https://www.earwigmusic.com/
or http://www.johnnydrummermusic.com/ or https://www.earwigmusic.com/JohnnyDrummer.shtml
or https://www.facebook.com/johnny.drummer2
Davies “Nosey Neighbors” Rippin’ Up Time
2014 Red River Ent. http://www.davedavies.com/
or https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dave-Davies/12499331267
or https://twitter.com/davedavieskinks
Francis “Raise A Hand” The More Things
Change…The More They Stay The Same 2014 Bongo Boy Records http://www.bongoboyrecords.com/ or http://www.garfrancis.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/garfrancismusic or http://www.reverbnation.com/garfrancis
or https://www.facebook.com/garfrancis
24. The Hangabouts “Missing In
Action” Illustrated Bird 2014
Futureman Records https://futuremanrecords.bandcamp.com/
or http://www.hangabouts.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/hangabouts
or https://twitter.com/TheHangabouts
Donny Brown “Bitter Rival” Hess Street
E.P. 2014 Self http://www.donnybrownmusic.com/
or https://donnybrownmusic.bandcamp.com/releases
or https://soundcloud.com/hess-street-songs
or https://www.facebook.com/donnybrownmusic
or https://www.youtube.com/user/donnybrownmusic
Cocker “You Can Leave Your Hat On” Joe
Cocker Ultimate Collection 2004 Hip-O Records http://www.hip-oselect.com/ or http://www.cocker.com/
Blue Lunch “No Time Like The Present” Above
The Fold 2014 Rip Cat Records http://ripcatrecords.com/
or http://www.bluelunch.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/Blue.Lunch
28. Ben and Ellen Harper
“Learn It All Again Tomorrow” Childhood
Home 2014 Concord http://www.concordmusicgroup.com/
or http://www.benharper.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/benharper
29. Paul Sachs “Survival is the New
Success” Survival is the New Success
2014 Self http://www.paulsachs.com/ or https://www.youtube.com/user/psisac or https://myspace.com/paulsachs or https://www.facebook.com/paul.sachs.92
Life in A Blender “Good Answer” We
Already Have Birds That Sing 2014 Fang Records http://www.lifeinablender.net/ or https://www.facebook.com/lifeinablender
or https://myspace.com/lifeinablender
or https://www.youtube.com/user/lifeinablender
Bobtown “Oh, Undertaker” A History Of
Ghosts 2014 Self http://www.bobtownmusic.com/
or https://bobtownmusic.bandcamp.com/
or https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bobtown/82648809129
Bobby “Hurricane” Spencer “Camarillo” Hurricane
Unleashed 2014 R. Music http://www.bobbyhurricane.com/
or https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bobby-Hurricane-Spencer-Blues-All-Stars/331170860265873 or https://twitter.com/BobbyHurricane
☮☞ The Eclectic Chair
Podcast is produced each week as a labor of love
by Trish Lewis in the
Positively Fourth Street Studio and hosted by Beth and
Bob Hausler. Thank You
for Listening. “I started waiting again/I started
doctorin’ up/I threw some
weight off my head/ah man, I just threw it off…”
– Lyric from the song “Lean”
by David Corley. Happy New Year Peace.♫☮
David Corley: http://davidcorleymusic.com/
Wednesday December 31st New Year’s Eve -
Eagles Club, Sanford, MI
Saturday January 24th - Tri City Brewing Company Bay City, MI
Saturday February 21st - Hubble’s Boondocks, Coleman, MI
Saturday January 24th - Tri City Brewing Company Bay City, MI
Saturday February 21st - Hubble’s Boondocks, Coleman, MI
Friday February 27th - Whites Bar in Saginaw, MI
Jeff Yantz & The Barnhands perform at
The Governors Quarters - January 10th @ 8:00pm
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