Trish Lewis & Cary Ewing Want You To Call:
1-877-472-7677 or 1-877-4-PBS-NPR
Tune in Monday March 30th from 1-3pm when Trish Lewis will be broadcasting live from the WUCX Studio C for the first Monday of Delta College Quality Public Radio's Spring Pledge Drive
& the Special Guest having a Seat will be Bay City songwriter, musician, performance artist and director of Bay City's 2008 Halloween Haunted Temple Cary Ewing. Here's his links:
http://www.hauntedtemple.com/ or http://www.jollyrogerstudios.com/ or http://www.myspace.com/jollyrogerstudios
AND on Monday April 6th, 2009 1-3PM my Special Guest to have a Seat will be Midland, Michigan musician and songwriter Dan Vaillancourt
http://www.danvaillancourt.com/ or http://www.myspace.com/danvaillancourt
The station needs your support now more than ever. No pledge is too small, honest!
Just make our phones ring. Call during one of these airtimes to support this radio show at
1-877-472-7677 or 1-877-4-PBS-NPR. It really is a labor of love. PEACE!