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Eclectic Chair Podcast #93
Trish Lewis is pulled out by Lex Grey
and The
Urban Pioneers serves up
Hobo Soup to
Heal My Soul,
Ray Lambiase
thinks Life Has A Mind Of Its Own
from The Ballad Of Three Finger Brown,
Olney & Sergio Webb With Jack Irwin visit
One Tough
Town Live At Norm’s River Roadhouse,
Joe Sullivan
lives with Nurse Tracy
as her Schlock
East Coast
Sound (Johnny Neel, Tommy Lepson
& Dave
Chappell) fill up a Basket Case,
Who knew a Poor
Man’s Song would come from
The Big
Sound of Lil’ Ed and The Blues Imperials,
deHeus has a Better Judgement
of Town
& Country,
Mike Tesch turns
on My Radio,
Ryan Shupe sees
the Hardest Button
To Push We
Rode On,
Mark Jewett warns
Love Has No Heart of Its Own
with a Shovel
Full of Justice Tending The Fire,
Mandeville and The Blue Points know
Blues Is My
Boss in The Stars Motel,
Eliza Neals
with Howard Glazer, John Abraham
& Brian
Clune declare You Ain’t My Dog No More and
Swimmin’ Fish escort us
into Hour
Two to turn into a True Believer,
Eddie Turner
& Trouble Twins
Don’t Let Me
Be Misunderstood
Connor goes for a Swamp Swim with
Weinberger offers a Sweet Little Number
Gruenling & The Jewel Tones
Iron Bridge
Band fires their
The Process
with the late, great Dick Wagner
entertain Dr.
Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,
who ask, Who
Is That Mad Band?
Champion invites us to a
Whiskey Myers
Trailer We Call Home
The Eclectic Chair back upside
the table for we True Believer(s).
Take Your
Seat & Share This Podcast!
you for listening and perusing this site.☮
program is produced by Trish Lewis
a labor of love in the
Fourth Street Studio.
Chair Podcast Lives Here:
Lewis on Facebook:
Chair YouTube:
Click Above
Make a
One-Time contribution through PayPal
To: Trish
Lewis at radiochair@gmail.com
OR Send a
check direct to Trish Lewis,
P.O. Box 25,
Bay City, MI 48707-0025
contribution is too small to make a big difference.
Thank You to
All Listeners
Especially You Cool Cats Who
Are Patrons
of this Podcast!
1. Lex Grey and The Urban Pioneers “Hobo Soup”
Heal My Soul 2016 Pioneer Production http://lexgreymusic.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/lexgrey.urbanpioneers

2. Ray Lambiase “Life Has A Mind Of Its Own” The Ballad Of Three Finger Brown 2016
Ray Tone Records http://www.raylambiase.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/TimeLeavesThingsBehind or https://www.facebook.com/raylambiase or https://twitter.com/RayLambiase

3. David Olney &
Sergio Webb With Jack Irwin “One Tough Town” Live At Norm’s River Roadhouse Volumes I & II 2008 Inner Knot
Records http://www.innerknotrecords.com/ or http://www.davidolney.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/DavidOlneyOfficial/ or https://www.facebook.com/Sergio-Webb-309420735373/

4. Joe Sullivan “Nurse Tracy” Schlock Star 2014 Self https://www.facebook.com/joe.sullivan.5243 or https://www.facebook.com/joesrockstarfanpage

6. East Coast Sound (Johnny
Neel, Tommy Lepson & Dave Chappell) “Basket Case” East Coat Sound 2016 Rip Bang Records http://www.johnnyneel.com/albums/east-coast-sound/ or https://www.facebook.com/eastcoastsound2016/ or http://www.guitardavechappell.com/home or https://www.facebook.com/johnnyneel/

7. Lil’ Ed and The Blues
Imperials “Poor Man’s Song” The Big Sound
of Lil’ Ed and The
Blues Imperials 2016 Alligator Records http://www.alligator.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/LilEdandBluesImperials/

8. Matthew deHeus
“Better Judgement” Town & Country
2016 Self https://matthewdeheus.bandcamp.com/album/town-country or https://www.facebook.com/Matthew-de-Heus-Singer-Storyteller-1046283992096737/

9. Mike Tesch “My
Radio” Mike Tesch 2015 Self https://www.reverbnation.com/miketesch9 or https://www.facebook.com/miketeschmusic or http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/miketesch or https://www.youtube.com/user/miketeschmusic

10. Ryan Shupe “Hardest Button
To Push” We Rode On 2016 Tydal Wave
Records http://www.ryanshupe.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/ryanshupemusic or https://soundcloud.com/ryanshupe or https://twitter.com/ryanshupe

11. Mark Jewett “Love Has No Heart of Its Own” Love Has No Heart of Its Own 2011Self http://www.markjewett.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/MarkJewettMusic/ or https://markjewett.bandcamp.com/

12. Mark Jewett “Shovel
Full of Justice” Tending The Fire 2016
Self http://www.markjewett.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/MarkJewettMusic/
or https://markjewett.bandcamp.com/music

13. Liz Mandeville and The Blue
Points “Blues Is My Boss” The Stars Motel
2016 Blue Kitty Music http://lizmandeville.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/pages/Liz-Mandeville-the-Blue-Points/75430358101 or https://twitter.com/littleredtop

14. Eliza
Neals “You Ain’t My Dog No More” 2016 Self http://elizaneals.com/ or https://www.reverbnation.com/elizaneals or https://twitter.com/elizanealsrocks or https://soundcloud.com/elizaneals or https://www.facebook.com/pages/Eliza-Neals/281120073101 or
Hard Swimmin’ Fish “True Believer” True
Believer 2016 http://hardswimminfish.com/
or https://www.facebook.com/hardswimminfish/

16. Eddie Turner & Trouble Twins “Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood” Naked…In Your Face - Live at Blues Can Calgary Alberta 2015 2016 http://www.eddiedevilboy.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/eddieturnertroubletwins/ or https://www.youtube.com/user/tartsulb or https://www.reverbnation.com/eddieturnerthetroubletwins

Joanna Connor “Swamp Swim” Six String
Stories 2016 MC Records http://mc-records.com/
or http://joannaconnor.com/
or http://mc-records.com/joanna/
or https://www.facebook.com/joannaconnorband/
Joanna Connor “Young Woman’s Blues” Six
String Stories 2016 MC Records http://mc-records.com/ or http://joannaconnor.com/ or http://mc-records.com/joanna/ or https://www.facebook.com/joannaconnorband/

A.G. Weinberger “Sweet Little Number” Mighty Business – Live In Bucharest 2016 Bigfoot Records http://www.agweinberger.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/AG-Weinberger-94487446628/
or https://twitter.com/agweinberger

Dennis Gruenling & The Jewel Tones featuring Doug Deming “Ready or Not” Ready Or Not 2016 VizzTone Records http://www.vizztone.com/ or http://dennisgruenling.com/epkdd/
or http://dougdeming.com/
or https://www.facebook.com/dennis.gruenling
or https://www.facebook.com/DennisGruenlingDougDeming/

21. Iron Bridge Band “American Boss” Against The Grain 2016 NEH Records http://www.ironbridgeband.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/IronBridgeBand/ or https://www.reverbnation.com/ironbridgeband or https://twitter.com/IronBridgeBand

Alabama Mike Benjamin “Upset The Status Quo” Upset The Status Quo 2016 Grease Land/Juke House Records http://www.alabamamikeblues.net/ or
or https://www.facebook.com/alabama.mike.7

23. The Process with Dick Wagner “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” Who Is That Mad Band? 2016 David Asher/Garrick Owen/ Temple Gong Records http://www.theprocessonline.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/theprocess/posts/10155069813046164 or https://twitter.com/theprocess77

Joel Zoss “Junker’s Blues” Lila 2016 Catalan Records http://www.bluzpik.com/
or http://www.joelzoss.com/ or https://www.reverbnation.com/joelzossandjoelzosstrio
or https://www.facebook.com/joel.zoss

J.J. Thames “Harper Pearl” Raw Sugar
2016 DeChamp Records http://www.malaco.com/
or http://www.jjthames.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/jjthames/
or https://twitter.com/JJThames

Grady Champion “House Party” One Of A
Kind 2016 Malaco Records http://www.malaco.com/
or http://www.gradychampion.com/ or
or https://twitter.com/gradychampion

Whiskey Myers “Trailer We Call Home” Mud
2016 Thirty Tigers Records http://www.whiskeymyers.com/
or https://www.facebook.com/whiskeymyers
or https://www.youtube.com/user/WhiskeyMyersVEVO

Hard Swimmin’ Fish “Get Gone” True
Believer 2016 http://hardswimminfish.com/
or https://www.facebook.com/hardswimminfish/
☮☞ The Eclectic Chair Podcast is produced and
hosted each week as a labor of love
by Trish Lewis in the Positively Fourth
Street Studio. Thank You
for Listening. Peace. ♫☮