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USA Veterans and Canadian Remembrance
Monday November 11th, 2013
from 1-3pm on Wucx Q90.1Fm
plan on eating their cake too
(Lee Anne Whitman, Johnny Hunt & Chuck Grant)
Siusan O’Rourke and Zig Zeitler bring
and The Claudettes return the Eclectic
Chair back upside down
on the table by Serenading The
Clean-Up Crew.
Take Your Seats!
☮ Tune In Q90.1FM
Every Monday 1-3PM ☮
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the Round Podbean Site
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Chair on Facebook:
DStreet Music Foundation presents:
A Songwriters Showcase featuring
Gretchen Peters
with special guests Laurie Middlebrook
and Jen Cass
Mike Henderson and The Bluebloods “Mister Downchild”
Thicker Than Water 1998
Dead Reckoning Records
or http://www.mikehenderson.com/
or https://www.facebook.com/#!/mike.henderson.587?sid=0.937435717380636
1. Lee Harvey Osmond “Devil’s Load” The Folk Sinner 2013 Latent / Factor
http://latentrecordings.com/ or https://www.factor.ca/ or http://www.leeharveyosmond.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/lhosmond
or http://www.reverbnation.com/leeharveyosmond
2. Lee Harvey Osmond “Easy” The Folk Sinner 2013 Latent / Factor
3. Lee Harvey Osmond “Honey
Runnin’” The Folk Sinner 2013 Latent
/ Factor Records
4. Gretchen Peters “Hello Cruel World” Hello Cruel World 2011 Circus Girl
Music/ 101 Dist. http://www.gretchenpeters.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/gretchenpetersmusic or http://www.youtube.com/user/gretchenpeters or http://www.myspace.com/gretchenpeters Watch here:
5. Jen Cass “Cannonball Girl” [To Be Released 2013] Recorded Almost Live In Studio C 2012 A
Radio Chair Production http://www.jencass.com/ or http://www.facebook.com/people/Jen-Cass/671106600
6. Laurie Middlebrook “Already
In Love” Live At The Delta College
Lecture Theater November 2011 http://www.myspace.com/lauriemiddlebrook or http://www.facebook.com/laurie.middlebrook
7. Matthew Grimm “Real Americans”
Songs In The Key Of Your Face 2013
Red Smear
8. Matthew Grimm “Enemy” Songs In The Key Of Your Face 2013 Red
9. Matthew Grimm “Woody
Guthrie’s 33rd Resolution” Songs
In The Key Of Your Face 2013
Red Smear http://www.grimmreality.net/ or http://www.muddauberrecords.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/pages/Matthew-Grimm/119514654767386
10. Tom
Russell with Gretchen Peters, Little Jack Horton, Blind Rev. Baybe Virgins,
Ramblin’ Jack Elliot “Woodrow” Hotwalker
2005 HighTone Records http://www.tomrussell.com/ or http://www.myspace.com/russelltom or http://www.facebook.com/russelltom or
11. The CD
Woodbury Band “Pawn Shop” Monday Night!
2013 Wilde Willie Productions http://www.cdwoodbury.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-CD-Woodbury-Band/317827219791
Muzyka! Johnny Hunt, Lee Anne Whitman & Chuck Grant
12. Muzyka! “Side By Side” Muzyka! Almost Live In Studio C 2013
Radio Chair Production http://www.muzykamusic.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/MuzykaMusic
13. Siusan O’Rourke & Zig
Zeitler “Eight Day Week” The Usual
Suspects 2008 White Crow Records http://whitecrowconservatory.blogspot.com/ or http://www.myspace.com/zigandsiusan or http://www.facebook.com/siusan.orourke or http://www.smokinsleddogrecordsmusic.com/
14. Siusan O’Rourke & Zig
Zeitler “Pasta Western” The Usual
Suspects 2008 White Crow Records http://whitecrowconservatory.blogspot.com/ or http://www.myspace.com/zigandsiusan or http://www.facebook.com/siusan.orourke or http://www.smokinsleddogrecordsmusic.com/
15. Gretchen Peters “Paradise Found”
Woman On The Wheel Hello Cruel World 2012 Tour
16. Gretchen Peters “Woman On
The Wheel” Woman On The Wheel Hello Cruel
World 2012 Tour 2013 Scarlet
Letter Records http://www.gretchenpeters.com/
17. Laurie Middlebrook “It’s
About Time” Live At The Delta College
Lecture Theater November 2011 http://www.myspace.com/lauriemiddlebrook or http://www.facebook.com/laurie.middlebrook
18. Laurie Middlebrook “Nelly” Live At The Delta College Lecture Theater
November 2011 http://www.myspace.com/lauriemiddlebrook or http://www.facebook.com/laurie.middlebrook
19. Jen Cass
“Goodnight” [Originally from Accidental
Pilgrimage 2006 Blind Justice Records]
Live In Studio C 2012 A Radio Chair Production http://www.jencass.com/ or http://www.facebook.com/people/Jen-Cass/671106600 or
20. Lee
Harvey Osmond “Freedom” The Folk Sinner
2013 Latent / Factor Records
http://latentrecordings.com/ or https://www.factor.ca/ or http://www.leeharveyosmond.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/lhosmond or http://www.reverbnation.com/leeharveyosmond
21. Lee Harvey Osmond “Love
Everyone” The Folk Sinner 2013 Latent
/ Factor Records http://latentrecordings.com/ or https://www.factor.ca/ or http://www.leeharveyosmond.com/
22. Lee Harvey Osmond “Deep
Water” The Folk Sinner 2013 Latent /
Factor Records
23. Dave Riley & Bob
Corritore “Hush My Fuss” Hush Your Fuss
2013 VizzTone Records http://www.vizztone.com/ or http://bobcorritore.com/ or https://myspace.com/daverileybobcorritore
24. Dave Riley and Bob
Corritore “No Cussin’” Hush Your Fuss
2013 VizzTone Records
25. Dave Riley and Bob
Corritore “Laughing Blues” Hush Your Fuss
2013 VizzTone Records http://www.vizztone.com/ or http://bobcorritore.com/ or https://myspace.com/daverileybobcorritore
26. J.P. Blues “Keep On Walking”
Make Room At The Table 2013 Midnight
Circus http://www.mid-nightcircus.com/or http://www.jpblues.com/ ohttps://www.facebook.com/pages/JPBLUES/106173629422715
27. J.P. Blues “Make Room At The
Table” Make Room At The Table 2013
Midnight Circus http://www.mid-nightcircus.com/or http://www.jpblues.com/ orhttps://www.facebook.com/pages/JPBLUES/106173629422715
28. Gretchen Peters with Rodney
Crowell “Dark Angel” Hello Cruel World
2011 Circus Girl Music/ 101 Dist. http://www.gretchenpeters.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/gretchenpetersmusic or http://www.youtube.com/user/gretchenpeters or http://www.myspace.com/gretchenpeters or http://rodneycrowell.com/
29. The
Claudettes “Serenading The Clean-Up Crew” Infernal
Piano Plot…Hatched! 2013 Yellow Dog
Records http://yellowdogrecords.com/news/ or https://www.facebook.com/ydrecords or http://claudettesbar.tumblr.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/TheClaudettes
The Eclectic Chair is broadcast from the studios of
Wucx-Fm Delta College
Quality Public Radio.“When
people twist your words, Woodrow, ah, they’ll
twist with every whim / It’s
thugs that run the Unions now and use your
DStreet Music Foundation presents:
A Songwriters Showcase featuring
Gretchen Peters
with special guests Laurie Middlebrook
and Jen Cass