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Eclectic Chair Podcast Lives Here:
March Lion or Lamb?
March Lion or Lamb?
The Eclectic Chair Podcast #111
with Trish Lewis is pulled out by Guy Davis &
Fabrizio Poggi
who Step It Up and Go with Evil Hearted Me
riding Sonny & Brownie’s Last Train –
A Look Back At Brownie McGhee and Sonny Terry,
Jeff Yantz & The Barnhands spends way too much time
In Tall Buildings with his Face for Radio,
Jimm Juback visits O Florida from
The Mr. Juback
Show Vol.2,
Mark Dvorak knows It’ll Be Better
When It’s Better since Time
Ain’t Got Nothin’ On Me and
This Train Ain’t Bound For Glory Anymore so
Let Love Go On To
Be Released in 2017,
Paul Sachs isn’t Late for the Protest
of Love Is Love,
Gretchen’s Wheel is Surviving The
of being a Sad Scientist,
Micah & Mark Atkinson lament the
Dead Man’s Blues along with Lady Day’s Blues
in their Land of Broken Angels,
(Robin Devereaux-Nelson, James Nelson, Jon Potrykus,
Terri Stangl & Darryl McCloy)
Madame Devz Gypsy Wagon asked
Dear Mister President Live In Studio C
on the Wucx-Fm Eclectic Chair way back in 2012,
Lauren Mitchell confirms Desire
to Stand Up Like A Man,
Peter Mulvey wonders Are You Listening?
Hearing all The Details?
Hearing all The Details?
Linda Chorney knows nothing can hurt
When I Sing For The People to escort us
into Hour Two eating Oysters,
Coco Montoya escapes Before The Bullets Fly
because the Hard Truth is the Devil Don’t Sleep,
Frank Viele feels
the Push & Pull
Against The Wind with 1 Mic 1 Guitar
10,000 Miles Vol. 1,
Jim Gustin & Truth Jones don’t know
how you can Live With Yourself or that
Crazy Little Woman from Memphis,
The Jason Shepherd Experience
knows I Believe in his
Tail Dragger from his Nashville
Tequila Jim is Home again
from a Den of the She Wolves
when he was Lost Along the Way,
Smisch tells The Story of My Life When You Smile,
Ron Sowell describes his Gig From Hell
because like Dan Hicks said, Hell,
I’d Go,
and Father Guido Sarducci on UFOs remember
This-A-Ray from Ron Sowell’s Little Movies
and Cornpone (Jon Potrykus, Jeff Schrems,
James Nelson & Dan Wall)
returns The Eclectic Chair
back upside down on the table
with Harlem Nocturne
asking Would It Matter At All?
Reserve Your Seat!
☮Thank you for listening and perusing this site.☮
This program is produced by Trish Lewis
as a labor of love in the
Positively Fourth Street Studio.
Eclectic Chair Podcast Lives Here:
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Email: radiochair@gmail.com
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No contribution is too small to make a big difference.
Make a One-Time contribution through PayPal
To: Trish Lewis at radiochair@gmail.com
OR Send a check direct to Trish Lewis,
P.O. Box 25, Bay City, MI 48707-0025
Thank You to All Listeners,
Especially You Cool Cats Who
Are Patrons of this Podcast!
The Eclectic Chair Podcast 111
1. Guy Davis & Fabrizio Poggi “Step It Up and
Go” Sonny & Brownie’s Last Train – A
Look Back At Brownie McGhee and Sonny Terry 2017 M.C. Records http://mc-records.com/ or http://guydavis.com/wp/ or http://www.chickenmambo.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/GuyDavisBluesman/
2. Guy Davis & Fabrizio Poggi “Evil Hearted Me”
Sonny & Brownie’s Last Train – A Look
Back At Brownie McGhee and Sonny Terry 2017 M.C. Records http://mc-records.com/ or http://guydavis.com/wp/ or http://www.chickenmambo.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/GuyDavisBluesman/
3. Jeff Yantz & The Barnhands “In Tall
Buildings” Face for Radio 2016 Big
Forehead Music Publishing LLC http://www.jeffyantzmusic.com/
or http://www.reverbnation.com/jeffyantz
or http://www.facebook.com/jeff.yantz
4. Jimm Juback “O Florida” The Mr. Juback Show Vol.2 2017 Unreleased to Date
5. Mark Dvorak “It’ll Be Better When It’s Better” Time Ain’t Got Nothin’ On Me 2011 Self http://www.markdvorak.com/
or https://www.facebook.com/markdvorak1
6. Mark Dvorak “This Train Ain’t Bound For Glory
Anymore” Let Love Go On To Be
Released in 2017 http://www.markdvorak.com/
or https://www.facebook.com/markdvorak1
7. Paul Sachs “Late for the Protest” Love Is Love 2016 Self http://www.paulsachs.com/ or
8. Gretchen’s Wheel “Surviving” Sad Scientist 2017 Futureman Records https://futuremanrecords.bandcamp.com/
or http://www.gretchenswheel.com/
or https://www.facebook.com/gretchenswheel
or https://twitter.com/gretchenswheel
or https://soundcloud.com/gretchenswheel
9. Gretchen’s Wheel “The Price” Sad Scientist 2017 Futureman Records https://futuremanrecords.bandcamp.com/
or http://www.gretchenswheel.com/
or https://www.facebook.com/gretchenswheel
or https://twitter.com/gretchenswheel
or https://soundcloud.com/gretchenswheel
10. Micah & Mark Atkinson “Dead Man’s Blues” Land of Broken Angels 2017 Self http://www.micahandmark.com/ or https://www.cdbaby.com/artist/MicahandMarkAtkinson
11. Micah & Mark Atkinson “Lady Day’s Blues” Land of Broken Angels 2017 Self http://www.micahandmark.com/ or https://www.cdbaby.com/artist/MicahandMarkAtkinson
12. Madame
Devz Gypsy Wagon “Dear Mister President”
Live In Studio C on the Wucx-Fm
Eclectic Chair 10-15-2012 A Radio Chair Production http://www.facebook.com/pages/TheGypsyWagon/270561376332499
13. Lauren Mitchell “Desire” Desire 2017 Self http://www.laurenmitchellband.com/
or https://www.facebook.com/thelaurenmitchellband/
14. Lauren Mitchell “Stand Up Like A Man” Desire 2017 Self http://www.laurenmitchellband.com/
or https://www.facebook.com/thelaurenmitchellband/
15. Peter Mulvey “Are You Listening?” Are You Listening? 2017 Righteous Babe
Records https://www.righteousbabe.com/
or http://www.petermulvey.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/PeterMulveyMusic/
16. Peter Mulvey “The Details” Are You Listening? 2017 Righteous Babe Records https://www.righteousbabe.com/ or http://www.petermulvey.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/PeterMulveyMusic/
17. Linda Chorney “When I Sing” Oysters 2016 Self http://www.lindachorney.com/ or http://www.reverbnation.com/lindachorney
or https://www.facebook.com/LindaChorneyMusic
or https://www.youtube.com/user/lindagailchorney
18. Linda Chorney “For The People” Oysters 2016 Self http://www.lindachorney.com/ or http://www.reverbnation.com/lindachorney
or https://www.facebook.com/LindaChorneyMusic
or https://www.youtube.com/user/lindagailchorney
19. Coco Montoya “Before The Bullets Fly” Hard
Truth 2017 Alligator Records http://www.alligator.com/
or https://www.cocomontoyaband.com/
or https://www.facebook.com/CocoMontoyaBand
or https://www.youtube.com/user/CocoMontoyaBand
20. Coco Montoya “Devil Don’t Sleep” Hard Truth
2017 Alligator Records http://www.alligator.com/
or https://www.cocomontoyaband.com/
or https://www.facebook.com/CocoMontoyaBand
or https://www.youtube.com/user/CocoMontoyaBand
21. Frank Viele “Push & Pull” 1 Mic 1 Guitar 10,000 Miles Vol. 1 2017
Horizon Music Group http://www.frankvielemusic.com/
or https://www.facebook.com/FrankViele
or https://twitter.com/frankviele or https://www.youtube.com/user/frankviele1
22. Frank Viele “Against The Wind” 1 Mic 1 Guitar 10,000 Miles Vol. 1 2017
Horizon Music Group http://www.frankvielemusic.com/
or https://www.facebook.com/FrankViele
or https://twitter.com/frankviele or https://www.youtube.com/user/frankviele1
23. Jim Gustin & Truth Jones “Live With
Yourself” Memphis 2017 https://squareup.com/store/jimgustinandtruthjones
or https://www.reverbnation.com/jimgustinandtruthjones
or https://www.facebook.com/jimgustinandtruthjones/
24. Jim Gustin & Truth Jones “Crazy Little
Woman” Memphis 2017 https://squareup.com/store/jimgustinandtruthjones
or https://www.reverbnation.com/jimgustinandtruthjones
or https://www.facebook.com/jimgustinandtruthjones/
25. The Jason Shepherd Experience “I Believe” The Jason Shepherd Nashville Sessions 2017
Self http://www.reverbnation.com/vmishep
or https://www.facebook.com/vmishep
26. The Jason Shepherd Experience “Tail Dragger” The Jason Shepherd Nashville Sessions 2017
Self http://www.reverbnation.com/vmishep
or https://www.facebook.com/vmishep
27. Tequila Jim “Home” Lost Along the Way 2016 Self https://www.cdbaby.com/cd/tequilajim1
or https://www.facebook.com/TequilaJim7
28. Tequila Jim “Den of the She Wolves” Lost Along the Way 2016 Self https://www.cdbaby.com/cd/tequilajim1
or https://www.facebook.com/TequilaJim7
29. Smisch “The Story of My Life” The Story of My Life 2017 Self http://smisch.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/Smisch82/
or https://www.instagram.com/smisch8206/
30. Smisch “When You Smile” The Story of My Life 2017 Self http://smisch.com/
or https://www.facebook.com/Smisch82/
or https://www.instagram.com/smisch8206/
31. Ron Sowell “Gig From Hell” Little Movies 2017 Mountain Soul Records http://www.ronsowell.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/RonSowellMusic/
32. Ron Sowell “Hell, I’d Go” Little Movies 2017 Mountain Soul Records http://www.ronsowell.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/RonSowellMusic/
33. Ron Sowell “This-A-Ray” Little Movies 2017 Mountain Soul Records http://www.ronsowell.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/RonSowellMusic/
34. Cornpone (Jon Potrykus, Jeff Schrems, James Nelson
& Dan Wall) “Harlem Nocturne” Would
It Matter At All? 2016 Cornpone https://www.facebook.com/cornponemusic/
or https://myspace.com/cornponeboys
The Eclectic Chair Podcast is produced and hosted each week
as a labor of love by
Trish Lewis in the Positively Fourth Street Studio.
Thank You for Listening.
Peace. ♫☮