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This week’s show is Eclectic Chair 367
w/Trish Lewis that airs
Monday April 29th, 2013
from 1-3pm on Wucx Q90.1Fm
Delta College Quality Public Radio is
pulled out by and features both
Joe “Pops” Bredow brings his Flintown
Mojo and
Scott Baker, Eric Janetsky, Timothy Scott & Matthew Nyquist
Scott Baker and the Universal Expressions
extend more Northern Hospitality,
Jeff Yantz is Mr. Happy to Dance In
The Rain,
Traeder (Carrie Treder & David
Cline) offer a Prayer For The Light,
Bea Bahr and “The Axxmann” Matt MacDermaid
Hush Y’all,
Beni Schlatter, Maria Rose & John Patrick
Maria Rose & The Swiss Kicks take
us to the Velvet Cabaret,
Madame Devz Gypsy Wagon (Robin Devereaux-Nelson, Terri Stangl, James Nelson
and Jon Potrykus) request an
ear from Dear Mister President,
Roger Briggs & Friends know Most
Of All,
Jen Cass pleads her case in a letter
to Dear Mr. President,
Stella! (Jen Sygit, Laura Ann
Bates, Diana Ladio & Jo Serrapere)
remind us to Pay For What You Get,
Kyle Spear covers “Walk Beside Me” Almost
Live In Studio C,
Southside Denny Snyder offers “Petite
Berceuse” (“Little Lullaby”),
Jeff Yantz & The No Name String
Band (Jeff Schrems, Kevin Spear & Kyle Spear)
pick up “Pieces” Almost Live In Studio
Bob Hausler travels to Onion Land,
Jeff Schrems knows Old Sad Songs make
him feel better,
Laurie Middlebrook & Steve
Colarelli bring way More Than Gold,
American Underdog Andy Reed laments
there’s Nothing I Can Do,
Joey Atchinson tells of Heartbreak
Bob Marshall walks The Dog Song,
Bob Hausler takes us for a ride in a Fifty
Seven Recorded Live In Studio C,
John Latini is more than Nobody Again,
Jeff Yantz & his beloved ukulele covers
I’m In Love With A Girl
And People Are Strange recorded Live
in Studio C during his April 15th seat
and Tinsley Ellis puts the Eclectic
Chair back upside down on the table
via The Milky Way Detour from Get It!
Reserve your seat.
Be Sure To Tune In Q90.1FM Every Monday 1-3PM ☮
No more broadcast last week repeats,
apologies to the night hawks & insomniacs.
Tune into Bob Hausler’s Songwriters In
The Round Podbean Site to listen to a show or two
Eclectic Chair 367 with Host Trish Lewis from
Mike Henderson - Photo Credit Tom Stanford
Mike Henderson and The Bluebloods “Mister Downchild” Thicker Than Water
Dead Reckoning Records http://www.deadreckoningrecords.com/
or http://www.mikehenderson.com/
or https://www.facebook.com/#!/mike.henderson.587?sid=0.937435717380636
1. Joe “Pops” Bredow “Please Don’t” Flintown Mojo 2013 Self http://www.reverbnation.com/joepopsbredow or https://www.facebook.com/JoePopsBredow
Joe “Pops” Bredow “I’ll Forget I Ever Loved You” Flintown Mojo 2013 Self http://www.reverbnation.com/joepopsbredow or https://www.facebook.com/JoePopsBredow
3. Scott Baker and the Universal Expressions “Radical
Spiritual” Northern Hospitality Vol. 1
And Other Celestial Threads 2013 Self http://www.scottbakermusic.com/ or http://www.myspace.com/scottbakermusic or http://www.facebook.com/#!/scottbakermusic or http://www.reverbnation.com/scottbakermusic
Radical Spiritual & Juke Joint Revival Live On You Tube
4. Scott Baker and the Universal Expressions “Slow Morning”
Northern Hospitality Vol. 1 And Other
Celestial Threads 2013 Self http://www.scottbakermusic.com/
5. Jeff
Yantz “Mr. Happy” Dance In The Rain
2011 Big Forehead Music Publishing LLC http://www.jeffyantzmusic.com/ or http://www.reverbnation.com/jeffyantz or http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jeff-Yantz-Singer-Songwriter/146239148754094 Watch a Live In Studio C version
of this song here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awaqEjmunUE&feature=share&list=UUhbs7Pdh5R9HPFeiIDUz7KA
6. Traeder (Carrie Treder & David
Cline) “Prayer For The Light” No Evil
From Me 2010 Self http://www.traederband.com/ or http://www.myspace.com/traedermi or http://www.facebook.com/TraederBand
7. Bea Bahr and Matt “The Axxmann” MacDermaid “Hush
Y’all” Born With The Blues 2012 M Mac
Blue http://www.beabandtheaxxmann.com/default.html or http://youtu.be/nn9mHKeSKYA
8. Maria Rose & The Swiss
Kicks “Velvet Cabaret” New Direction
2011 Maria Rose Kicks Music http://www.mariarosekicks.com/fr_splash.cfm or http://www.reverbnation.com/mariarose or http://www.facebook.com/MariaRoseKicks
9. Madame Devz Gypsy Wagon (Robin
Devereaux-Nelson, Terri Stangl, James Nelson and Jon Potrykus) “Dear Mister President” Live In
Studio C on the Wucx-Fm Eclectic Chair 10-15-2012 A Radio Chair Production http://www.facebook.com/pages/TheGypsyWagon/270561376332499
10. Roger Briggs & Friends
“Most Of All” Things I Learned Along The
Way 2010 Leading Edge Productions http://www.reverbnation.com/rogerpbriggs or http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=1041880922
11. Jen Cass “Dear Mr.
President” Accidental Pilgrimage 2006
Blind Justice Records http://www.jencass.com/ or http://www.facebook.com/people/Jen-Cass/671106600 or Live
In Studio C Version of Song on YouTube: http://youtu.be/GCmcznavVdU
12. Stella! (Jen Sygit,
Laura Ann Bates, Diana Ladio & Jo Serrapere) “Pay
For What You Get” Sorry, Stella! 2013
Earthwork / Detroit Radio Company http://thestellagirls.com/index.php or http://www.earthworkmusic.com/ or http://detroitradiocompany.com/ or http://thestellagirls.com/biography.php or http://www.myspace.com/stellagirls
13. Kyle Spear “Walk Beside Me” Almost Live In Studio C Palm Sunday 2013
Radio Chair Production https://www.facebook.com/kylespear85
14. Southside Denny Snyder
“Petite Berceuse” (“Little Lullaby”) Recorded
Live in Studio C 25 February 2011
2011 (Originally found on Eclectic
2003 Self) http://www.dennysnyder.com/main.php or http://www.reverbnation.com/southsidedennysnyder or http://www.youtube.com/southsidedenny or http://www.myspace.com/southsidedennysnyder
Jeff Yantz & The No Name String Band “Pieces” Almost Live In Studio C Palm Sunday 2013 Radio Chair Production http://www.jeffyantzmusic.com/ or http://www.reverbnation.com/jeffyantz Watch on YouTube: http://youtu.be/a7elfXM6D8I
Bob Hausler “Onion Land” 2008 Unreleased [AKA: Not Sold In Stores!] http://www.reverbnation.com/bobhausler
or http://www.myspace.com/bobhauslermusic
or http://www.facebook.com/#!/bhausler1
Jeff Schrems “Old Sad Songs” Ohh…Now I
get It 2012 Self http://www.reverbnation.com/jeffschrems
or http://www.facebook.com/JeffSchremsMusic?sk=app_2405167945
Joe “Pops” Bredow “Flintown Mojo” Flintown
Mojo 2013 Self http://www.reverbnation.com/joepopsbredow or https://www.facebook.com/JoePopsBredow
Scott Baker and the Universal Expressions “Juke Joint Revival” Northern Hospitality Vol. 1 And Other
Celestial Threads 2013 Self http://www.scottbakermusic.com/ or http://www.myspace.com/scottbakermusic or http://www.facebook.com/#!/scottbakermusic or http://www.reverbnation.com/scottbakermusic
20. Laurie
Middlebrook & Steve Colarelli “More Than Gold” single LAM 2012 http://www.myspace.com/lauriemiddlebrook or http://www.facebook.com/laurie.middlebrook or https://www.facebook.com/stephen.colarelli
21. American
Underdog Andy Reed “Nothing I Can Do” Always
On The Run 2011 American Underdog Records/ Blunk Street Music http://www.anamericanunderdog.com or http://reedrecordingcompany.com or http://www.facebook.com/#!/andyreedmusic
Joey Atchinson “Heartbreak Wasted” Joey
Atchinson 2012 Self http://www.reverbnation.com/joeyatchinson or https://www.facebook.com/JoeyAtchinson
23. Bob
Marshall “The Dog Song” As Good As My Dog
Thinks I Am 2008 Diamond M Stables http://www.bobmarshallmusic.com/ or http://www.myspace.com/bobmarshallmusic or http://www.facebook.com/bob.marshall.357 Album note: “No cats were injured in the production of
this Cd.”
24. Bob Hausler “Fifty Seven” Recorded Live In Studio C 2012 A Radio
Chair Production Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/bhausler1 or Song On
YouTube: http://youtu.be/9526WIlX718
John Latini “Nobody Again” Lovers, Liars
& Losers 2012 Smokin’ Sleddog Records http://smokinsleddogrecords.com/ or http://smokinsleddogrecords.com/_john_latini_/ or http://www.myspace.com/johnlatini or http://www.facebook.com/john.latini.7
26. Jeff Yantz “I’m In Love With A
Girl” Live In Studio C 15 April 2013 A
Radio Chair Production http://www.jeffyantzmusic.com/ or http://www.reverbnation.com/jeffyantz
27. Jeff Yantz “People Are Strange”
Live In Studio C 15 April 2013 A
Radio Chair Production http://www.jeffyantzmusic.com/ or http://www.reverbnation.com/jeffyantz
Tinsley Ellis “The Milky Way” Get It!
2013 Heartfixer Music http://www.tinsleyellis.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/tinsley.ellis.1
Tinsley Ellis “Detour” Get It! 2013
Heartfixer Music http://www.tinsleyellis.com/
The Eclectic Chair is broadcast
from the studios of Wucx-Fm Delta College Quality Public Radio. Thank you to
all the contributors to this program, both financial and musical. Without you,
none of this happens.☮