Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving Eclectic Chair 120 #Podcast & #Playlist

Eclectic Chair #120 Podcast’s Player Button Here
Eclectic Chair Podcast Lives Here:
The Eclectic Chair Podcast #120 with Trish Lewis is pulled out
by the Reed Brothers (Andy Reed + Jason Reed)
reads Left To Right when you Make Your Move.
Jeff Yantz asks While You’re Right Here in his Place.
Cornpone (Jon Potrykus, Jeff Schrems,
James Nelson & Dan Wall) watch when the
Stars Fell On Alabama wondering
 Would It Matter At All?
Fantastic Negrito tells About A Bird
during The Last Days of Oakland.
Willie May declares Ain’t It Funny in his Haunted House.
Dave Keyes with Popa Chubby is
Not So Nice Anymore about The Healing.
David Corley will enjoy A Lifetime
of Mornings under a Zero Moon.
Matt Steady has the Heart of a Wolf
from his Theory of Ruins.
Gretchen’s Wheel takes a Left Turn with a Sad Scientist.
Peter Parcek knows why
Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven.
Chris Daniels & The Kings with Freddi Gowdy
Can’t Even Do Wrong Right from
Blues With Horns Volume 1.
Kings & Associates tells tall Tales of A Rich Girl.
Last Charge of the Light Horse make
Something (Else) Out of Nothing on a Curve.
Rob Lutes keeps Pumping Love on his Walk In the Dark.
Cassie Keenum & Rick Randlett tell on a
Minute Man with Hauntings to escort us into hour two.
 Lara and The Bluz Dawgs and Greg Germony
take a Smoke Break Out Here In The Blue.
Mama Spanx does the Alligator
Boogaloo in a State of Groove.
Seth MacFarlane featuring Norah Jones wonders what
If I Had a Talking Picture of You In Full Swing.
Benny Turner knows like Willie Dixon,
I’m Ready just like My Brother’s Blues.
Popa Chubby has Preexisting Conditions
and so does his Two Dogs.
Downchild (Donnie “Mr. Downchild” Walsh) love
receiving Mailbox Money for Something I’ve Done.
Wilco love a Monday (Party Horn Version)
from AM   & Being There Deluxe Edition.
Samantha Fish lives the American Dream
as a Belle of the West.
Albert Castiglia wants to Chase Her Around
the House when he’s Up All Night.
Kim Wilson keeps a Teenage Beat from
Blues and Boogie Vol. 1.
Play To The Gallery (Chris Lewis, Steve Warrington II
(Beef Sandwich), Kurt Schade, Matt Hill & Abbey Gradowski)
causes a Riot from their upcoming Ring Around The Rosie.
Polly O’Keary and The Rhythm Method see a
Hard Hearted World Black Crow Callin’.
Mose McCormack has Broke Broom Blues
digging up Buried Treasures.
Matt deHeus says I Get By in the Town & Country.
Starlite Campbell Band serves Blueberry Pie
to escort up into Hour Three.
The Legal Matters says She Said She Said
from their Trapper Keeper.
The Cash Box Kings warn Don’t Let Life Tether You Down
and When You Got a Jealous Woman
Facebook Ain’t Your Friend Royal Mint.
Bill Feehely knows of Money & Love.
Andrew Chapman AKA JoJo sees the Face of
Love and Well, It’s About Time! (1992-2016).
Paul Dougherty I’m Blue, I’m Lonesome Spankin’ Hankin’.
Steve Cropper, Lou Marini and The Original Blues Brothers Band
with Paul “The Shiv” Shaffer are ready for the Sex Machine and
with Rob “The Honeydripper” Paparozzi says
Your Feet’s Too Big watching The Last Shade of Blue Before Black.
Wall Of Mayonnaise (Mike “Mayonnaise” Mosher & Bob Wall)
offer Love Love Love from Wall Of Mayonnaise.
Bob Wall tells of Here In Sag & Awe that’s an Anachronism.
Arlo Guthrie takes his annual seat at Alice’s Restaurant
Massacree from 1967’s Alice’s Restaurant 
ending that summer of love.
Jay Ward’s Dogbrain returns The Thanksgiving Eclectic Chair
back upside down on the table as an Orphan Blue Dog.
Thank you for listening and perusing this site.
This program is produced by Trish Lewis
as a labor of love in the
Positively Fourth Street Studio.
Eclectic Chair Podcast Lives Here:
Like The Eclectic Chair on Facebook:
Trish Lewis on Facebook:
Eclectic Chair YouTube:
Trish Lewis Email: radiochair@gmail.com
Please become a patron of this podcast to keep it online.
No contribution is too small to make a big difference.
Make a One-Time contribution through PayPal
OR Send a check direct to
Trish Lewis, P.O. Box 25, Bay City, MI 48707-0025
Thank You to All Listeners,
Especially You Cool Cats Who
Are Patrons of this Podcast!
The Eclectic Chair Podcast 120
1. Reed Brothers “Left To Right” Make Your Move 2018 Reed Record Co. Upcoming Release Andy & Jason Reed https://www.facebook.com/andyreedandjasonreedmusic/ or https://www.reedrecordingcompany.com/ or https://www.reverbnation.com/andyreedrecording or https://soundcloud.com/reedrecordingco
2. Jeff Yantz “While You’re Right Here” Place. 2017 Big Forehead Publishing LLC https://www.facebook.com/Jeff-Yantz-Music-146239148754094/ or http://www.jeffyantzmusic.com/ or https://twitter.com/jeffyantzmusic

3. Cornpone (Jon Potrykus, Jeff Schrems, James Nelson & Dan Wall) “Stars Fell On Alabama” Would It Matter At All? 2016 Cornpone https://www.facebook.com/cornponemusic/ or https://myspace.com/cornponeboys
4. Fantastic Negrito “About A Bird” {FCC LANGUAGE WARNING}The Last Days of Oakland 2017 Blackball Universe/Cooking Vinyl Limited http://blackballuniverse.com/fantastic-negrito/ or http://www.fantasticnegrito.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/fantasticnegrito/ or https://soundcloud.com/fantastic-negrito or https://twitter.com/MusicNegrito
5. Willie May “Ain’t It Funny” Haunted House 2017 Self http://williemaymusic.com/ or http://www.oweneichensehr.com/willie-may
6. Dave Keyes with Popa Chubby “Not So Nice Anymore” The Healing 2017 http://www.davekeyes.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/dave.keyes.5
7. David Corley “A Lifetime of Mornings” Zero Moon 2017 Self/ Joygernaut Music http://davidcorleymusic.com/   or https://www.facebook.com/DavidCorleyMusic  or https://twitter.com/DavidCorleyINDY
8. Matt Steady “Heart of a Wolf” Theory of Ruins 2017 Self http://mattsteady.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/MattSteadyMusic

10. Peter Parcek “Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven” Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven 2017 Lightnin’ Records http://www.peterparcekband.com/music.html or https://www.facebook.com/peterparcek3/
11. Chris Daniels & The Kings with Freddi Gowdy “Can’t Even Do Wrong Right” Blues With Horns Volume 1 2017 Moon Voyage Records http://www.chrisdaniels.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/chrisandthekings or https://twitter.com/ChrisandKings
12. Al Corté “I’ll Never Lose My Love for the Blues” Mojo 2017 Self https://corte.global/ or
13. Kings & Associates “Tales of A Rich Girl” Tales of A Rich Girl 2017 Big Wing Records http://kingsandassociatesmusic.com/ or https://twitter.com/KingsAndAssoc or https://www.facebook.com/kingsandassociatesmusic

14. Last Charge of the Light Horse “Something (Else) Out of Nothing” Curve 2011 Curlock & Jalaiso Music http://www.lastcharge.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/lastcharge/ or https://soundcloud.com/lastcharge
15. Rob Lutes “Pumping Love” Walk In the Dark 2017 Lucky Bear Records https://www.roblutes.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/rob.lutes.fanpage/ or https://store.cdbaby.com/Artist/RobLutes
Hour Two
16. Cassie Keenum & Rick Randlett “Minute Man” Hauntings 2017 Self https://cassiekeenum.com/ or https://www.rickrandlett.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/rick.randlett.77 or
17. Lara and The Bluz Dawgs and Greg Germony “Smoke Break” Out Here In The Blue 2017 Lock Alley Music http://www.laraandthebluzdawgz.com/  or https://www.facebook.com/Lara-and-The-Bluz-Dawgz-464737840270884/
18. Mama Spanx “Alligator Boogaloo” State of Groove 2016 Self https://www.mamaspanx.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/mamaspanx/
19. Seth MacFarlane featuring Nora Jones “If I Had a Talking Picture of You” In Full Swing 2017 Fuzzy Door Productions/Verve/Republic Records http://www.republicrecords.com/ or http://www.vervelabelgroup.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/Seth-MacFarlane-14105972607/ or https://twitter.com/SethMacFarlane
20. Benny Turner “I’m Ready” (Willie Dixon) My Brother’s Blues 2017 Nola Blue Inc. http://www.bennyturner.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/bennyturner.realblues/
21. Popa Chubby “Preexisting Conditions” Two Dogs 2017 PCP Self https://www.popachubby.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/popachubbyband/
22. Downchild (Donnie “Mr. Downchild” Walsh) “Mailbox Money” Something I’ve Done 2017 Linus Ent. http://linusentertainment.com/ or http://www.downchild.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/DownchildBluesBand/
23. Wilco “Monday (Party Horn Version)” AM   & Being There Deluxe Edition Radio Sampler 2017 Rhino Records http://www.rhino.com/ or http://wilcoworld.net/ or https://www.facebook.com/wilcohq or https://twitter.com/wilco
24. Samantha Fish “American Dream” Belle of the West 2017 Ruf Records http://www.rufrecords.de/ or http://www.samanthafish.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/samanthafishmusic
25. Albert Castiglia “Chase Her Around the House” Up All Night 2017 Ruf Records http://www.rufrecords.de/ or http://albertcastiglia.net/ or https://www.facebook.com/albertcastigliaband/
26. Kim Wilson “Teenage Beat” Blues and Boogie Vol. 1 2017 Severn Records http://severnrecords.com/ or http://fabulousthunderbirds.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/kim.kwblues
27. Play To The Gallery “Riot” Ring Around The Rosie 2018 Matt Hill Self https://www.amazon.com/Ring-Around-Rosie-Play-Gallery/dp/B076LCN43D or https://www.facebook.com/playtothegallery/

28. Polly O’Keary and The Rhythm Method “Hard Hearted World” Black Crow Callin’ 2017 http://www.pollyokeary.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/PollyOKearyAndTheRhythmMethod/ or https://twitter.com/tommycookjr
29. Mose McCormack “Broke Broom Blues” Buried Treasures 2017 KimKris Music http://www.newmexicosound.com/ or http://www.myspace.com/mosemccormack or http://www.facebook.com/mose.mccormack
31. Starlite Campbell Band “Blueberry Pie” Blueberry Pie 2017 Supertone Records http://music.supertonerecords.com/ or http://music.starlite-campbell.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/starlite.campbell/ or https://twitter.com/suzyandsimon
Hour Three
33. The Cash Box Kings “Don’t Let Life Tether You Down” Royal Mint 2017 Alligator Records https://www.alligator.com/ or http://www.cashboxkings.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/thecashboxkings
34. The Cash Box Kings “When You Got a Jealous Woman Facebook Ain’t Your Friend” Royal Mint 2017 Alligator Records https://www.alligator.com/ or http://www.cashboxkings.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/thecashboxkings

35. Bill Feehely “Money & Love” Money & Love 2017 What Is That Velvet Music? https://soundcloud.com/bill-feehely or https://www.facebook.com/bill.feehely.1
36. Andrew Chapman AKA JoJo “Face of Love” Well, It’s About Time! (1992-2016) 2017 Upisland Records https://www.jojotunes.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/andrewchapmanakajojo/
37. Paul Dougherty “I’m Blue, I’m Lonesome” Spankin’ Hankin’ 2017 Bake It Black Records http://www.pauldougherty.org/ or https://soundcloud.com/paul-m-dougherty
38. Altered Five Blues Band “She’s Still Crazy” Charmed & Dangerous 2017 Blind Pig/The Orchard http://www.theorchard.com/press/orchard-adds-blind-pig-catalog-owned-catalog-division/ or http://www.alteredfive.com/ or

39. Steve Cropper, Lou Marini and The Original Blues Brothers Band with Paul “The Shiv” Shaffer “Sex Machine” The Last Shade of Blue Before Black 2017 Severn Records http://severnrecords.com/ or http://bluesbrothersofficialsite.com/
40. Steve Cropper, Lou Marini and The Original Blues Brothers Band with Rob “The Honeydripper” Paparozzi “Your Feet’s Too Big” The Last Shade of Blue Before Black 2017 Severn Records http://severnrecords.com/ or http://bluesbrothersofficialsite.com/
41. Wall Of Mayonnaise (Mike “Mayonnaise” Mosher & Bob Wall) “L:ove Love Love” Wall Of Mayonnaise 2016 Washtenawful Records https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=51906328&fref=ts or http://www.ylem.org/artists/mmosher/Opening.html or http://www.bobwallrock.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/bob.wall.14
42. Bob Wall “Here In Sag & Awe” Anachronism 2014 Self http://www.bobwallrock.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/bob.wall.14 or https://myspace.com/bobwallrock
43. Arlo Guthrie “Alice’s Restaurant Massacree” Alice’s Restaurant 1967 Warner Reprise Records http://www.risingsonrecords.com/ or http://www.arlo.net/ or http://www.warnerbrosrecords.com/ or http://www.risingsonrecords.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/arloguthrie/

☮☞ The Eclectic Chair Podcast is produced and hosted as a labor of love
by Trish Lewis in the Positively Fourth Street Studio. Thank You for Listening. Peace. ♫