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Eclectic Chair Podcast #82
Weintraub sees our False Joy World from
1000 Songs, 1000 Days - Vague Faces Glowing,
Link has a Hell Of A Good Man for a Moody Girl,
Dylan knows Things Have Changed
Modern Times,
Yo Yo Ma & The Silk Road Ensemble featuring
Washburn are Going Home
they Sing Me Home,
Shahan knows Men & Coyotes
Turn Around,
Potrykus is Scratching The Surface
(song by Dr. Paul Meyer) Recorded Live
On The Eclectic Chair 10/10/2011,
“Pocket” Goldberg is So Blue Off The Wire,
Murphy asks Hey Baby (Don’t You Remember Me)
Husband Is Cheatin’ On Us and It Won’t Stop Raining,
Sage Heaven (Is A Grocery Clerk) who needs to
To Let You Go from Choreographic,
Rufus Wainwright
featuring Siân Phillips
43 & Take All My Loves
40 to escorts us into Hour Two
William Shatner Sonnet 129
Wainwright featuring Anna Prohaska
Expense of Spirit in a Waste of Shame
Take All My Loves 9 Shakespeare Sonnets,
Davis does a Jaggy Dance from Pocket Symphronica,
The Grahams – Glory Bound to the
Land with a Gambling Girl,
Weintraub knows the Tao of Freud from
1000 Songs, 1000 Days – Vague Faces Glowing,
Puorto Six Month Sober Workin
Room My Obsession,
Slim and The Taildraggers watch a Blood Moon
when the Good Guys Win,
Horse is Livin’ in a Bitch of a World
we Stick to The Myth,
Mae pours Strong Coffee for a Blue
R. Crumb and The Cheap Suit Serenaders
the table Singing In
The Bathtub!
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Seat & Share This Podcast!
you for listening and perusing this site.☮
program is produced by Trish Lewis
a labor of love in the
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Click Above
Make a One-Time
contribution through PayPal
To: Trish
Lewis at radiochair@gmail.com
OR Send a
check direct to
P.O. Box 25,
Bay City, MI 48707-0025
contribution is too small to make a big difference.
Thank You to
All Listeners
& Especially Patrons of this Podcast!
& Especially Patrons of this Podcast!
1. Dan Weintraub
“False Joy World” 1000 Songs, 1000 Days -
Vague Faces Glowing 2016 Self http://www.danweintraubacoustic.com/ or
3. Bob
Dylan “Things Have Changed” Modern Times 2006
Sony Music https://www.sonymusic.com/
or http://www.bobdylan.com/
4. Yo Yo Ma &
The Silk Road Ensemble featuring Abigail Washburn “Going Home” Sing Me Home 2016 Song Masterworks https://www.sonymusic.com/
or http://www.silkroadproject.org/
or http://www.yo-yoma.com/
or http://www.abigailwashburn.com/1.0/
5. Red Shahan “Men
& Coyotes” Men & Coyotes 2016
Self http://www.redshahan.com/
or https://www.facebook.com/shahan.red/
or https://twitter.com/redshahanmusic
6. Red Shahan “Never
Turn Around” Men & Coyotes 2016
Self http://www.redshahan.com/
or https://www.facebook.com/shahan.red/
7. Jon Potrykus
“Scratching The Surface” (song by Dr. Paul Meyer) Jon Potrykus Recorded Live On The Wucx-Fm Eclectic Chair 10/10/2011 http://www.myspace.com/higipo
or http://www.facebook.com/people/Jon-Potrykus/1518571301
8. Mark “Pocket”
Goldberg “So Blue” Off The Wire 2013
Pocket Goldberg Music http://markpocketgoldberg.com/
or http://www.reverbnation.com/markpocketgoldberg
or https://www.facebook.com/mark.p.goldberg.7
or https://myspace.com/pocketgoldberg
9. Shaun Murphy “Hey
Baby (Don’t You Remember Me)” It Won’t
Stop Raining 2016 Vision Wall Records http://www.shaunmurphyband.com/
or http://www.reverbnation.com/theshaunmurphyband
or https://www.facebook.com/ShaunMurphyBand
10. Shaun Murphy “Your
Husband Is Cheatin’ On Us” It Won’t Stop
Raining 2016 Vision Wall Records http://www.shaunmurphyband.com/
or http://www.reverbnation.com/theshaunmurphyband
or https://www.facebook.com/ShaunMurphyBand
11. Rachael Sage
“Heaven (Is A Grocery Clerk)” ChoreoGraphic
2016 Self http://rachaelsage.com/
or https://twitter.com/rachaelsage
or https://www.facebook.com/rachaelsagepage/
or https://www.youtube.com/user/rachaelsage
12. Rachael Sage
“Learn To Let You Go” ChoreoGraphic
2016 Self http://rachaelsage.com/
or https://twitter.com/rachaelsage
or https://www.facebook.com/rachaelsagepage/
or https://www.youtube.com/user/rachaelsage
13. Rufus Wainwright
featuring Siân Phillips “Sonnet 43” Take
All My Loves 9 Shakespeare Sonnets 2016 Deutsche Grammophon
http://www.deutschegrammophon.com/en/newreleases/ or http://www.rufuswainwright.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/rufuswainwrightofficial
14. Rufus Wainwright
“Take All My Loves Sonnet 40” Take All My
Loves 9 Shakespeare Sonnets 2016 Deutsche Grammophon http://www.deutschegrammophon.com/en/newreleases/
or http://www.rufuswainwright.com/
or https://www.facebook.com/rufuswainwrightofficial
15. Rufus Wainwright
featuring William Shatner “Sonnet 129” Take
All My Loves 9 Shakespeare Sonnets 2016 Deutsche Grammophon http://www.deutschegrammophon.com/en/newreleases/ or http://www.rufuswainwright.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/rufuswainwrightofficial or http://williamshatner.com/ws/
16. Rufus Wainwright
featuring Anna Prohaska “Th’ Expense of Spirit in a Waste of Shame” Take All My Loves 9 Shakespeare Sonnets
2016 Deutsche Grammophon http://www.deutschegrammophon.com/en/newreleases/ or http://www.rufuswainwright.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/rufuswainwrightofficial or https://www.facebook.com/AnnaProhaska
17. Ron Davis “Jaggy
Dance” Pocket Symphronica 2015
Really? Records http://www.rondavismusic.com/home/
or http://www.rondavismusic.com/symphronica/
or https://www.facebook.com/RonDavisMusicPage
or https://www.youtube.com/user/RonDavisMusic
18. The Grahams
“Promised Land” The Grahams - Glory Bound
2016 Deluxe Edition http://thegrahamsmusic.net/ or https://myspace.com/thegrahamsmusic or https://www.facebook.com/TheGrahamsMusic/ or https://twitter.com/thegrahamsmusic
19. The Grahams
“Gambling Girl” The Grahams - Glory Bound
2016 Deluxe Edition http://thegrahamsmusic.net/
or https://myspace.com/thegrahamsmusic
or https://www.facebook.com/TheGrahamsMusic/
or https://twitter.com/thegrahamsmusic
Weintraub “Tao of Freud” 1000 Songs, 1000
Days - Vague Faces Glowing 2016
Self http://www.danweintraubacoustic.com/ or
21. Shari Puorto
“Six Month Sober” My Obsession 2015
Little Lightning http://www.sharipuorto.com/
or https://www.reverbnation.com/sharipuortoband
or https://www.facebook.com/ShariPuortoBand/
22. Shari Puorto
“Workin The Room” My Obsession 2015
Little Lightning http://www.sharipuorto.com/
or https://www.reverbnation.com/sharipuortoband
or https://www.facebook.com/ShariPuortoBand/
23. Too Slim and The
Taildraggers “Blood Moon” Blood Moon
2016 Underworld Records http://www.underworldindierecords.com/
or http://www.tooslim.org/
or https://www.facebook.com/TooSlimandtheTaildraggers
or https://www.youtube.com/user/TooSlimVideos
24. Too Slim and The
Taildraggers “Good Guys Win” Blood Moon
2016 Underworld Records http://www.underworldindierecords.com/
or http://www.tooslim.org/
or https://www.facebook.com/TooSlimandtheTaildraggers
or https://www.youtube.com/user/TooSlimVideos
25. 7 Horse “Livin’
in a Bitch of a World” Livin’ in a Bitch
of a World 2016 Self http://www.7horsemusic.com/
or https://www.facebook.com/7Horse
or https://twitter.com/7Horse_
26. 7 Horse “Stick
to The Myth” Livin’ in a Bitch of a World
2016 Self http://www.7horsemusic.com/
or https://www.facebook.com/7Horse
or https://twitter.com/7Horse_
27. Kenna Mae
“Strong Coffee” Blue Darlin’ 2015
Self http://www.kennamae.com/
or http://kennamae.bandcamp.com/releases
or https://www.facebook.com/kennamaemusic/
28. R.
Crumb and The Cheap Suit Serenaders “Singing In The Bathtub” Singing In The Bathtub 1993 Shanachie
Entertainment http://www.shanachie.com/ or http://www.crumbproducts.com/aboutcrumb.html
or http://www.crumbproducts.com/contact.html
☮☞ The Eclectic Chair Podcast is produced and
hosted each week
as a labor of love by Trish Lewis in the
Positively Fourth Street Studio.
Thank You for Listening. Peace. ♫☮

Click Above OR
Make a One-Time contribution through PayPal
To: Trish Lewis at radiochair@gmail.com
OR Send a check direct to
P.O. Box 25, Bay City, MI 48707-0025
No contribution is too small to make a big difference.
Thank You to All Listeners
& Especially Patrons of this Podcast!
& Especially Patrons of this Podcast!