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week’s show is Eclectic Chair 386 w/Trish Lewis airs
September 9th, 2013 from 1-3pm on Wucx Q90.1Fm
College Quality Public Radio is pulled out by
My Story by Gary U.S. Bonds featuring Gene “Daddy G” Barge
features Cash O’Riley & David Roof
good behavior from Jackson County Jail,
Mike & The Tornadoes beg Forgive Me,
no apologies from Sorry, Stella!
Hula Honeys wave aloha from A Hui Hou – Until We Meet Again,
Williams & The Wiseguys remain Here To Stay,
Keener is up to bat again from Slugger,
Jack raises her Moon and the Morning After and Sunflower Girl,
invites The Devil & The Diamond,
Potrykus premiers Hell (Ragtime Version),
Magness reminds us that The Devil Is An Angel Too,
D. Lamb asks if we too Feel That,
Z is here Sometimes,
Vivōnē & The Billy Bats retain that Baby Fat,
Allchin demonstrates Q.E.D.
Tinsley Ellis returns the Eclectic Chair
upside down on the table with Front Street Freeze.
your seat!
☮ Tune In Q90.1FM Every Monday 1-3PM ☮
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The Round Podbean Site to listen
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Eclectic Chair on Facebook:
Eclectic Chair 386 with Host Trish Lewis from
Introduction Mike Henderson and The
Bluebloods “Mister Downchild” Thicker Than Water
1. Gary U.S. Bonds featuring Gene “Daddy G” Barge
“That’s My Story” 2013 GLA Music http://www.garyusbonds.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/GaryUSBonds or https://twitter.com/gary_us_bonds
2. Cash O’Riley & David Roof
“I Want To Be Free” Jackson County Jail
2013 An American Wax Original http://www.reverbnation.com/orileymusic or https://www.facebook.com/orileymusic or https://www.facebook.com/daveroof?fref=ts
3. Cash O’Riley & David Roof “Jackson County Jail”
Jackson County Jail 2013 An American
Wax Original http://www.reverbnation.com/orileymusic or https://www.facebook.com/orileymusic or https://www.facebook.com/daveroof?fref=ts
4. Little Mike & The
Tornadoes “Forgive Me Baby” Forgive Me
2013 2011 Elrob Records http://littlemikeandthetornadoes.com/fr_home.cfm or http://www.reverbnation.com/littlemikeandthetornadoes or https://www.facebook.com/LittleMikeandtheTornadoes?ref=hl
5. Little Mike & The
Tornadoes “The Hit” Forgive Me 2013
2011 Elrob Records http://littlemikeandthetornadoes.com/fr_home.cfm or http://www.reverbnation.com/littlemikeandthetornadoes or https://www.facebook.com/LittleMikeandtheTornadoes?ref=hl
6. Stella! “Pay For What You Get” Sorry, Stella! 2013 Earthwork / Detroit Radio Company http://thestellagirls.com/index.php or http://www.earthworkmusic.com/ or http://detroitradiocompany.com/ or http://thestellagirls.com/biography.php or http://www.myspace.com/stellagirls
7. Stella! “Down In The Cellar” Sorry, Stella! 2013 Earthwork / Detroit Radio Company http://thestellagirls.com/index.php or
http://www.earthworkmusic.com/ or http://detroitradiocompany.com/ or http://thestellagirls.com/biography.php or http://www.myspace.com/stellagirls
8. The Hula Honeys “Too
Marvelous For Words” A Hui Hou – Until We
Meet Again 2013 Community Music http://www.thehulahoneys.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/TheHulaHoneys
9. The Hula Honeys “Girl In The
Coconut Hat” A Hui Hou – Until We Meet
Again 2013 Community Music http://www.thehulahoneys.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/TheHulaHoneys
10. Sherrie Williams & The
Wiseguys “Hell” Here To Stay 2007
Electro-Fi Records http://www.electrofi.com/ or http://www.sharriewilliams.com/ or http://www.reverbnation.com/sharriewilliams# or https://www.facebook.com/OfficialSharrieWilliams?ref=ts
11. Sherrie Williams & The
Wiseguys “Time” Here To Stay 2007
Electro-Fi Records http://www.electrofi.com/ or http://www.sharriewilliams.com/ or http://www.reverbnation.com/sharriewilliams# or https://www.facebook.com/OfficialSharrieWilliams?ref=ts
12. Dave Keener “Second Rate
Rainbow” Slugger 2013 Self http://davekeener.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/davekeener or https://twitter.com/DaveKeeners
13. Dave Keener “Put That Baby
Down” Slugger 2013 Self http://davekeener.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/davekeener or
14. Jill Jack “Drink That Dust” Moon and the Morning After 2005 Pearl’s
Influence http://www.jilljack.com/index.php or
15. Jill
Jack “Do I Dare” Moon and the Morning
After 2005 Pearl’s Influence http://www.jilljack.com/index.php or http://www.youtube.com/JillJackTunes or https://www.facebook.com/JillJackMusic
16. Matuto “Horse
Eat Corn” The Devil & The Diamond
2013 Self http://matutomusic.com/bio/the-band/ or https://www.facebook.com/matutomusic
17. Matuto “Drag Me Down” The Devil & The Diamond 2013 Self http://matutomusic.com/bio/the-band/ or https://www.facebook.com/matutomusic
18. Jon Potrykus “Hell (Ragtime
Version)” 2013 Unreleased https://www.facebook.com/jon.potrykus or https://myspace.com/higipo
19. Janiva Magness “The Devil Is
An Angel Too” The Devil Is An Angel Too
2010 Alligator Records http://www.alligator.com/ or http://www.janivamagness.com/
Magness “Walkin’ In The Sun” The Devil Is
An Angel Too 2010 Alligator Records http://www.alligator.com/ or http://www.janivamagness.com/
21. John D. Lamb “If This Is A
Joke” Feel That 2006 Self http://www.jdlamb.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/johndlamb or
22. Jill Jack “Sunflower Girl” Sunflower Girl 2012 Self http://www.jilljack.com/index.php or http://www.youtube.com/JillJackTunes or https://www.facebook.com/JillJackMusic
23. Tommy Z “Sometimes” Sometimes 2013 South Blossom http://www.tommyzband.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tommy-Z/17899185310
24. Jason
Vivōnē & The Billy Bats “Baby Fat” Lather,
Rinse, Repeat 2012 Self http://www.billybats.com/ or http://www.facebook.com/thebillybats
Jim Allchin “Stop And Go” Q.E.D. 2013
Sandy Key Music http://www.sandykeymusic.com/
or http://www.jimallchin.com/
or http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jim-Allchin/113809515322
26. Jim Allchin “Gettin Old” Q.E.D. 2013 Sandy Key Music http://www.sandykeymusic.com/ or http://www.jimallchin.com/ or http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jim-Allchin/113809515322
27. Jon Potrykus “Let’s Make Us
A Song” 2013 Unreleased https://www.facebook.com/jon.potrykus or https://myspace.com/higipo
28. Jill Jack “Live Like There’s
No Tomorrow” Sunflower Girl 2012 Selfhttp://www.jilljack.com/index.php or http://www.youtube.com/JillJackTunes or https://www.facebook.com/JillJackMusic
29. John D. Lamb “Look Out For
Deer” Feel That 2006 Self http://www.jdlamb.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/johndlamb or
30. Jon Potrykus “Reilly” 2013
Unreleased https://www.facebook.com/jon.potrykus or https://myspace.com/higipo
31. Tinsley
Ellis “Front Street Freeze” Get It!
2013 Heartfixer Music http://www.tinsleyellis.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/tinsley.ellis.1
The Eclectic Chair is broadcast from the
studios of Wucx-Fm Delta College
Quality Public Radio.“…I had
a sweetheart / He wasn't street smart / He quoted
Descartes / ‘til I was faint
/ Too busy reading
/ His glance was fleeting / Now he
can’t think therefore he ain't” Lyrics from
the song “Down In
The Cellar” by
Jo Serrapere.☮
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