Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Eclectic Chair #Podcast & #Playlist #114 16 May 2017

Eclectic Chair #114 Podcast’s Player Button Here
Eclectic Chair Podcast Lives Here:
The Eclectic Chair Podcast #114
with Trish Lewis is pulled out by
Roxi Copland who asks
What Were You Thinkin’
about her Bad Decision,
David Olney measures a Crack In The Wall
Situation warning Don’t Try To Fight It
in his new Red Parlor Record,
Circe Link has keepsakes of her Pocket Watch
and Old Photograph that are only two of her
Enchanted Objects & Ordinary Things,
Marisol Y Los Drunk Dumplins’
Ole Ole will Set You Free!
Garland Jeffreys is Waiting For The Man
because the Colored Boy Said
there’s 14 Steps To Harlem,
Micki Free knows God Is On The Phone with
Angels In The Room spreading
salve on his Tattoo Burn---Redux,
Miles Mosley wants More Than This to appreciate the
Heartbreaking Efforts Of Others during the Uprising,
Selwyn Birchwood lives with the Police State
no matter that we all Pick Your Poison,
Low Society featuring Mandy Lemons & Sturgis Nikides
are Sanctified to escort us into hour two
alongside a New York City Boy #3,
Laura Tate says I Know You Lie and even though
Nobody Gets Hurt asks Let’s Just Be Real,
Jim Roberts and The Resonates
are Down In The Delta with
The Hell Hound’s Due
Beneath The Blood Moon,
John McNamara has a Bad Reputation
You Wouldn’t Wanna Know
when he’s Rollin’ With It,
Amanda Homi declares There Will Come A Day
when I’ll Drive The Car,
Bloodshot Records’ Lydia Loveless has Desire
that includes an FCC LANGUAGE WARNING
but she’s really not Sorry since it is, after all, 2017!
The Hangabouts wrangles Kits and Cats
and Saxon Wives to be their Sensation
Overnight from Futureman Records and
 Delta Moon bring the Coolest Fools to return
 The Eclectic Chair back upside down
on the table from Cabbagetown.
Take Your Seat!
Thank you for listening and perusing this site.
This program is produced by Trish Lewis
as a labor of love in the
Positively Fourth Street Studio.
Eclectic Chair Podcast Lives Here:
Like The Eclectic Chair on Facebook:
Trish Lewis on Facebook:
Eclectic Chair YouTube:
Trish Lewis Email: radiochair@gmail.com
Please become a patron of this podcast to keep it online.
No contribution is too small to make a big difference.
Make a One-Time contribution through PayPal
OR Send a check direct to
Trish Lewis, P.O. Box 25, Bay City, MI 48707-0025
Thank You to All Listeners,
Especially You Cool Cats Who
Are Patrons of this Podcast!
The Eclectic Chair Podcast 114
3. David Olney “Crack In The Wall” Don’t Try To Fight It 2017 Red Parlor Records http://www.redparlor.com/ or http://www.davidolney.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/davidolney or https://www.youtube.com/user/DavidOlney411
4. David Olney “Situation” Don’t Try To Fight It 2017 Red Parlor Records http://www.redparlor.com/ or http://www.davidolney.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/davidolney or https://www.youtube.com/user/DavidOlney411
5. Circe Link “Pocket Watch” Enchanted Objects & Ordinary Things 2017 Blackwings Multi Media http://www.circelink.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/circe.link or https://twitter.com/circelink
6. Circe Link “Old Photograph” Enchanted Objects & Ordinary Things 2017 Blackwings Multi Media http://www.circelink.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/circe.link or https://twitter.com/circelink
7. Marisol Y Los Drunk Dumplins “Ole Ole” Marisol Y Los Drunk Dumplins 2016 Self Marisol Rodriguez / Kurt Schindler / Adrian Rogers / Jeff Gay http://kbschindler.com/the-drunk-dumplins/ or https://www.facebook.com/drunkdumplins/
8. Marisol Y Los Drunk Dumplins “Set You Free” Marisol Y Los Drunk Dumplins 2016 Self Marisol Rodriguez / Kurt Schindler / Adrian Rogers / Jeff Gay http://kbschindler.com/the-drunk-dumplins/ or https://www.facebook.com/drunkdumplins/
9. Garland Jeffreys “Waiting For The Man” 14 Steps To Harlem 2017 Self http://garlandjeffreys.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/GarlandJeffreys/ or https://twitter.com/garlandjeffreys
10. Garland Jeffreys “Colored Boy Said” 14 Steps To Harlem 2017 Self http://garlandjeffreys.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/GarlandJeffreys/ or https://twitter.com/garlandjeffreys
11. Micki Free “God Is On The Phone” Tattoo Burn---Redux 2017 Mysterium Blues Records https://www.facebook.com/MysteriumMusic/ or https://www.facebook.com/OfficialMickiFree/ or https://twitter.com/FreeMickiFree
12. Micki Free “Angels In The Room” Tattoo Burn---Redux 2017 Mysterium Blues Records https://www.facebook.com/MysteriumMusic/ or https://www.facebook.com/OfficialMickiFree/ or https://twitter.com/FreeMickiFree
15. Selwyn Birchwood “Police State” Pick Your Poison 2017 Alligator Records http://www.alligator.com/ or https://www.selwynbirchwood.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/selwyn.birchwood or https://twitter.com/selwynbirchwood
16. Selwyn Birchwood “Pick Your Poison” Pick Your Poison 2017 Alligator Records http://www.alligator.com/ or https://www.selwynbirchwood.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/selwyn.birchwood or https://twitter.com/selwynbirchwood
Hour Two
17. Low Society featuring Mandy Lemons & Sturgis Nikides “Sanctified” Sanctified 2017 Rezonate Records http://www.rezorecords.com/ or https://www.reverbnation.com/lowsociety or https://www.facebook.com/LowSocietyBand/
18. Low Society featuring Mandy Lemons & Sturgis Nikides “New York City Boy #3” Sanctified 2017 Rezonate Records http://www.rezorecords.com/ or https://www.reverbnation.com/lowsociety or https://www.facebook.com/LowSocietyBand/
19. Laura Tate “I Know You Lie” Let’s Just Be Real 2017 811 Gold Records https://www.musicbylauratate.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/ArtistLauraTate/ or https://twitter.com/LauraTateMusic
20. Laura Tate “Nobody Gets Hurt” Let’s Just Be Real 2017 811 Gold Records https://www.musicbylauratate.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/ArtistLauraTate/ or https://twitter.com/LauraTateMusic
22. Jim Roberts and The Resonates “The Hell Hound’s Due” Beneath The Blood Moon 2017 Self https://www.jimrobertsandtheresonants.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/JimRobertsMusic/ or https://www.facebook.com/jackrobertsharveyband or https://twitter.com/jimroberts711
23. John McNamara “Bad Reputation” Rollin’ With It 2017 Bahool Records or https://www.facebook.com/johnmcnamarablues or https://www.youtube.com/user/JohnMcNamaraAcoustic
24. John McNamara “You Wouldn’t Wanna Know” Rollin’ With It 2017 Bahool Records or https://www.facebook.com/johnmcnamarablues or https://www.youtube.com/user/JohnMcNamaraAcoustic
25. Amanda Homi “There Will Come A DaySingle 2017 Drum Girl http://www.amandahomi.com/ or http://www.drumgirl.com/ or https://myspace.com/amandahomi or https://www.facebook.com/amandahomimusic
29. The Hangabouts “Kits and Cats and Saxon Wives” Kits and Cats and Saxon Wives 2017 Futureman Records https://futuremanrecords.bandcamp.com/ or http://www.hangabouts.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/hangabouts or https://twitter.com/TheHangabouts
30. The Hangabouts “Sensation Overnight” Kits and Cats and Saxon Wives 2017 Futureman Records https://futuremanrecords.bandcamp.com/ or http://www.hangabouts.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/hangabouts or https://twitter.com/TheHangabouts
☮☞ The Eclectic Chair Podcast is produced and hosted as a labor
of love by Trish Lewis in the Positively Fourth Street Studio.
Thank You for Listening. Peace. ♫

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