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This week’s show is Eclectic Chair 389
w/Trish Lewis airs
Monday September 30th, 2013
from 1-3pm on Wucx Q90.1Fm
Delta College Quality Public Radio is
pulled out by and features
David Tiller & Enion Pelta-Tiller
Adventures In Vagabondia with Taarka,
many songs from Spuyten Duyvil's new Temptation,
more from The Wood Brothers’ The Muse,
Cyril Neville brings his Magic Honey,
Samantha Fish hears a Black Wind
Shawn Holt and The Teardrops
with special guest John Primer
tell more than just what Daddy Told Me,
The Siegel-Schwall Band Flash Forward,
Jeff Yantz covers Wicked Me written by
Sean Drysdale
and David & Enion Pelta-Tiller
Present Adventures In Vagabondia
with Taarka return the Eclectic Chair
back upside down on the table with
Nubus Nimbus.
Take your seat!
Tune In Q90.1FM Every Monday 1-3PM ☮
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Eclectic Chair 389 with
Host Trish Lewis from Wucx-Fm
Mike Henderson and The Bluebloods “Mister Downchild”
Thicker Than Water 1998
Dead Reckoning Records
http://www.deadreckoningrecords.com/ or http://www.mikehenderson.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/#!/mike.henderson.587?sid=0.937435717380636
1. Taarka “Wandering” David & Enion Pelta-Tiller Present
Adventures In Vagabondia with Taarka 2013 Self http://www.taarka.com/ or http://www.reverbnation.com/taarka or https://www.facebook.com/pages/TAARKA/44641663770
“You’re Alright” David & Enion
Pelta-Tiller Present Adventures In Vagabondia with Taarka 2013 Self http://www.taarka.com/ or http://www.reverbnation.com/taarka or https://www.facebook.com/pages/TAARKA/44641663770
Duyvil “I’ll Fly Away” Temptation 2013
Spuyten Duyvil Music http://www.spuytenduyvilmusic.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/spuytenduyvilmusic
Duyvil “Here and Hereafter” Temptation 2013
Spuyten Duyvil Music http://www.spuytenduyvilmusic.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/spuytenduyvilmusic
5. Spuyten
Duyvil “Honey On My Grave” Temptation 2013
Spuyten Duyvil Music http://www.spuytenduyvilmusic.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/spuytenduyvilmusic or https://www.facebook.com/markstevenmiller
6. The Wood Brothers “Honey Jar” The Muse 2013 Southern Ground Artists http://www.southerngroundartists.com/ or
7. Cyril Neville “Magic Honey” Magic Honey 2013 Ruf Records http://www.rufrecords.de/index.php?lang=en or
8. Cyril Neville “Swamp Funk” Magic Honey 2013 Ruf Records http://www.rufrecords.de/index.php?lang=en or http://www.cyrilneville.net/ or https://www.facebook.com/CyrilNeville
9. Samantha Fish “Kick Around” Black Wind Howlin’ 2013 Ruf Records http://www.rufrecords.de/index.php?lang=en or
10. Samantha Fish “Who’s Been Talking” Black Wind Howlin’ 2013 Ruf Records http://www.rufrecords.de/index.php?lang=en or
11. Shawn Holt and The Teardrops with special guest
John Primer “Daddy Told Me” Daddy Told Me
2013 Blind Pig Records
http://www.blindpigrecords.com/ or http://www.shawnholtandtheteardrops.com/or https://www.facebook.com/shawnholtandtheteardrops
12. Shawn Holt and The Teardrops with special guest
John Primer “Mean Little Woman” Daddy
Told Me 2013 Blind Pig Records
http://www.blindpigrecords.com/ or http://www.shawnholtandtheteardrops.com/ or
13. The Siegel-Schwall Band “Krazy” Flash Forward 2005 Alligator Records http://www.alligator.com/ or
14. The Siegel-Schwall Band “Hey, Leviticus” Flash Forward 2005 Alligator Records http://www.alligator.com/ or
“Rats of Gramercy Park” David & Enion
Pelta-Tiller Present Adventures In Vagabondia with Taarka 2013 Self http://www.taarka.com/ or http://www.reverbnation.com/taarka or https://www.facebook.com/pages/TAARKA/44641663770
16. Taarka
“Arms of the Sun” David & Enion
Pelta-Tiller Present Adventures In Vagabondia with Taarka 2013 Self http://www.taarka.com/ or http://www.reverbnation.com/taarka or https://www.facebook.com/pages/TAARKA/44641663770
17. The
Siegel-Schwall Band “Can’t Stop” Flash
Forward 2005 Alligator Records http://www.alligator.com/ or
18. The Siegel-Schwall Band
“Twisted” Flash Forward 2005
Alligator Records http://www.alligator.com/ or
19. Shawn Holt and The Teardrops with special guest
John Primer “Please Don’t Dog Me” Daddy
Told Me 2013 Blind Pig Records http://www.blindpigrecords.com/ or http://www.shawnholtandtheteardrops.com/or
20. Samantha Fish “Last September” Black Wind Howlin’ 2013 Ruf Records http://www.rufrecords.de/index.php?lang=en or
21. Cyril Neville “Invisible” Magic Honey 2013 Ruf Records http://www.rufrecords.de/index.php?lang=en or
22. Spuyten Duyvil “Temptation” Temptation 2013 Spuyten Duyvil Music http://www.spuytenduyvilmusic.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/spuytenduyvilmusic or https://www.facebook.com/markstevenmiller
23. Spuyten Duyvil “Bitter” Temptation 2013 Spuyten Duyvil Music http://www.spuytenduyvilmusic.com/ or
24. The Wood Brothers “Firewater” The Muse 2013 Southern Ground Artists http://www.southerngroundartists.com/ or
25. The Wood Brothers “I Got
Loaded” The Muse 2013 Southern Ground
Artists http://www.southerngroundartists.com/ or
26. Jeff Yantz (Song written by
Sean Drysdale) “Wicked Me” 2013 Big Forehead Production http://www.jeffyantzmusic.com/ or http://www.reverbnation.com/jeffyantz or http://www.reverbnation.com/seanryandrysdale
27. Taarka
“Go to the Ledge” David & Enion
Pelta-Tiller Present Adventures In Vagabondia with Taarka 2013 Self
http://www.taarka.com/ or http://www.reverbnation.com/taarka or https://www.facebook.com/pages/TAARKA/44641663770
28. The Siegel-Schwall Band “Rumors
Of Long Tall Sally” Flash Forward
2005 Alligator Records http://www.alligator.com/ or
29. Taarka “Nubus Nimbus” David & Enion Pelta-Tiller Present Adventures In Vagabondia with
Taarka 2013 Self
http://www.taarka.com/ or http://www.reverbnation.com/taarka or https://www.facebook.com/pages/TAARKA/44641663770
The Eclectic Chair is broadcast from the studios of
Wucx-Fm Delta College Quality Public Radio.
“…Her stockings were torn / Before
she was born /Her mother said she was a hard daughter…”
- Lyrics from the song “Firewater” by
Chris Wood, Oliver Wood & Jano Rix.☮
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