☝Eclectic Chair #12☝Podcast’s Player Buttons Here☝
The Eclectic Chair Podcast #12 with Trish
to Call Me from the Hess Street E.P.,
that Etta Does Delbert and
Livin’ It Down but it’s Nothing Personal,
come Rain or Shine,
with Letters From Sinners & Strangers,
us How Come My Dog Don't Bark?
and to Think
About It!
at The Sun Studio Sessions,
by Nothin’ But Blood,
Big Bill’s Dream of Ghosts,
a Hard Day on
the Planet,
to escort us into Hour Two Above The Fold
then wonder why Everybody’s On the Phone,
in her Jigsaw Heart,
with a Roadhouse Revelation,
and Underpaid but Don't Call No Ambulance,
for Three Words Back To You,
that are Oddities and Entities,
I Fell For You on Hess Street E.P.
to the Bottom you’ll be Gone Away
In Black drifting on a Sea Of Tears,
to find a Self-Made Man who will dance a
Very Happy Polka and Do Bad Things,
and The Knickerbocker All-Stars return
the Eclectic Chair back upside down on the
because It’s Later Than You Think
from Open Mic At The Knick!
Reserve Your Seat.
☮Thank you for listening and perusing this
This program is produced as a labor of
love in
the Positively Fourth Street Studio.
Eclectic Chair Podcast
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Website/Blog: www.radiochair.com
Email: radiochair@gmail.com
Eclectic Chair
Podcast #12 with Trish Lewis
1. Donny Brown “Call Me” Hess Street E.P. 2014 Self http://www.donnybrownmusic.com/
or https://donnybrownmusic.bandcamp.com/releases
or https://soundcloud.com/hess-street-songs
or https://www.facebook.com/donnybrownmusic
or https://www.youtube.com/user/donnybrownmusic
2. Etta Britt “Starting A Rumor” Etta Does Delbert 2014 Brittunes Music http://www.ettabritt.com/ or http://www.reverbnation.com/ettabritt
or https://www.facebook.com/ettabritt
3. Delbert McClinton “Livin’ It
Down” Nothing Personal 2001 New West
Records http://www.newwestrecords.com/
or http://www.delbert.com/index2.htm
or https://www.facebook.com/delbertmcclinton
George Taylor “Breakin’ In Boots” Rain or
Shine 2014 Self http://georgetaylormusic.com/
or http://www.reverbnation.com/georgetaylor
or https://www.facebook.com/georgetaylormusic
or https://www.youtube.com/user/gcbtay
5. Eilen Jewell “High Shelf
Booze” Letters From Sinners &
Strangers 2007 Signature Sounds http://www.signaturesounds.com/
or http://www.eilenjewell.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/eilenjewellfanpage
6. The Morrells “How Come My Dog
Don’t Bark” Think About It 2005
Hightone Records or http://www.shazam.com/discover/track/62834627
or http://www.robbiefulks.com/blog/posts/533-lou-whitney-r-i-p-
7. Bonnie Raitt “Down To You” Slipstream 2012 Redwing Records http://www.bonnieraitt.com/ or http://www.facebook.com/officialbonnieraitt
or http://www.youtube.com/user/TheBonnieRaitt
8. The Howlin’ Brothers “Troubled
Waltz” The Sun Studio Sessions 2013
Ready Made Records http://thehowlinbrothers.com/
or https://www.facebook.com/HowlinBrothers
9. Scott H. Biram “I’m Troubled” Nothin’ But Blood 2014 Bloodshot Records
or http://www.scottbiram.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/scottbiram
Bill Phillippe “Big Bill’s Dream” Ghosts
2014 Arkansas Street Recording http://www.billphillippemusic.com/
or https://www.facebook.com/billphillippemusic
or https://www.youtube.com/user/bluesboybill
Shelly Waters “State Line” Drive 2014
Moonwatcher Music http://shellywaters.net/
or https://www.facebook.com/ShellyWatersMusic
14. Jeff Yantz “They’ll Stone You”
Recorded Almost Live In Studio Q
8/17/2014 A Trish Lewis Radio Chair Production http://www.jeffyantzmusic.com/ or http://www.reverbnation.com/jeffyantz
15. Blue Lunch “Lake Erie Highball”
Above The Fold 2014 Rip Cat Records http://ripcatrecords.com/ or http://www.bluelunch.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/Blue.Lunch
16. Blue Lunch “Everybody’s On the Phone” Above The Fold 2014 Rip Cat Records http://ripcatrecords.com/ or http://www.bluelunch.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/Blue.Lunch
17. Michael ONeill “I Like It Like That” I Like It Like That 2014 Sleeping Trout
Music http://michaeloneillmusic.com/ or http://www.reverbnation.com/michaeloneill
or https://www.facebook.com/MichaelONeillMusic
18. Eden
Brent “Opportunity” Jigsaw Heart 2014
Yellow Dog http://yellowdogrecords.com/news/
or http://www.edenbrent.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/littleboogaloo
19. David Vest “Crooked Politician” Roadhouse Revelation 2014 Cordova Bay Ent http://www.davidvest.ca/ or https://www.facebook.com/davidvestmusic or https://twitter.com/davidvest
20. Selwyn
Birchwood “Overworked and Underpaid” Don’t
Call No Ambulance 2014 Alligator Records http://www.alligator.com/
or http://www.selwynbirchwood.com/
or https://www.facebook.com/selwynbirchwoodband
21. Craig Cassler “25 Cents” Back To You 2014 Self http://craigcassler.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/craig.cassler
or https://myspace.com/craigcasslermusic
22. Craig Cassler “Three Words” Back To You 2014 Self http://craigcassler.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/craig.cassler
or https://myspace.com/craigcasslermusic
23. Andy
Reed “Crimes of Paris” Oddities and
Entities 2014 Reed Recording Company http://reedrecordingcompany.com/store
or https://www.facebook.com/andyreedmusic
or https://www.facebook.com/anamericanunderdog
or https://soundcloud.com/anamericanunderdog
25. Robbie
Fulks “When You Get to the Bottom” Gone
Away Backward 2013 Bloodshot Records https://www.bloodshotrecords.com/
or http://www.robbiefulks.com/ or http://www.robbiefulks.com/blog/posts/533-lou-whitney-r-i-p-
27. Peaches and Crime “The Match Maker” Do Bad Things 2014 Self http://peachesandcrime.wix.com/speakeasy
or https://www.facebook.com/peachesandcrime
28. Peaches and Crime “Self-Made Man” Do Bad Things 2014 Self http://peachesandcrime.wix.com/speakeasy
or https://www.facebook.com/peachesandcrime
29. Peaches
and Crime “Very Happy Polka” Do Bad
Things 2014 Self http://peachesandcrime.wix.com/speakeasy
or https://www.facebook.com/peachesandcrime
30. Jeff Schrems “Pretty
Little Posey” Ohh…Now I Get It 2012 Self http://www.reverbnation.com/jeffschrems or
31. The Knickerbocker All-Stars “It’s Later
Than You Think” Open Mic At The Knick 2014
JP Cadillac Records http://www.jpcadillacrecords.com/
or https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Knickerbocker-All-Stars/1473407402915161
☮☞ The Eclectic Chair Podcast is produced each week as a
labor of love
by Trish Lewis in the Positively Fourth Street
Studio and hosted by Beth
Bob Hausler. Thank You for Listening. “Tear it up crazy angel/Let your
heart roam/And when you get to the bottom/You'll know you've
home” – Lyric from the song “When You Get to the Bottom” by