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This week’s show is Eclectic Chair 388
w/Trish Lewis airs
Monday September 23rd, 2013
from 1-3pm on Wucx Q90.1Fm
Delta College Quality Public Radio is
pulled out by
Bob Dylan ending our sweet Summer Days
and features The Wood Brothers version
of The Muse,
Esther Golton reminds us to Stay Warm,
Ryan Bonner promises Only When It’s
Cary Cooper having her Charley Brown
Kinda Day and Zuzu’s Petals,
Marc Douglas Berardo totes Whalebone,
Bob Wall buys last call with The Round
Is On Me,
Sultans of String escort more than
Luna the whale from Symphony!
Madame Devz Gypsy Wagon
The Siegel-Schwall Band laments the
former office
The Thunder Chickens (Melissa May,
Josh Jeckel & Terry Poirier)
and Sultans of String return the
Eclectic Chair
back upside down on the table with Palmas
Take your seat!
Tune into Bob Hausler’s Songwriters in
the Round Podbean Site to listen
to a show or two and subscribe free here: http://bobh432000.podbean.com/
to a show or two and subscribe free here: http://bobh432000.podbean.com/
Find the Eclectic
Chair on Facebook:
Mike Henderson and The Bluebloods “Mister Downchild” Thicker Than Water
Dead Reckoning Records
http://www.deadreckoningrecords.com/ or http://www.mikehenderson.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/#!/mike.henderson.587?sid=0.937435717380636
1. Bob Dylan “Summer Days” Love and Theft 2001 Sony Music http://www.sonymusic.com/ or http://www.bobdylan.com/
2. The Wood Brothers “Wastin’ My
Mind” The Muse 2013 Southern Ground
Artists http://www.southerngroundartists.com/ or http://www.thewoodbros.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/thewoodbrothers
3. The Wood Brothers “Sing About
It” The Muse 2013 Southern Ground
Artists http://www.southerngroundartists.com/ or http://www.thewoodbros.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/thewoodbrothers
4. The Wood Brothers “Who The
Devil” The Muse 2013 Southern Ground
Artists http://www.southerngroundartists.com/ or
5. Esther Golton “Fireweed
Ladies” Stay Warm 2013 Tiny Cabin
Music http://www.trespassmusic.org/ or http://esthergolton.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/esthergolton
6. Esther Golton “What Can I Say” Stay Warm 2013 Tiny Cabin Music http://www.trespassmusic.org/ or http://esthergolton.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/esthergolton
7. Ryan Bonner “Tommy Walker” Only When It’s Burning 2013 Monsters
Hall Music http://ryanbonnermusic.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/RyanBonnerMusic
8. Ryan Bonner “The Rapture” Only When It’s Burning 2013 Monsters Hall Music http://ryanbonnermusic.com/ or
9. Cary Cooper “Charley Brown
Kinda Day” Zuzu’s Petals 2013
Mackinaw Harvest http://www.trespassmusic.org/ or
http://www.carycooper.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/carycoopermusic & http://www.youtube.com/user/RealWomenRealSongs
10. Cary Cooper “Zuzu’s Petals” Zuzu’s Petals 2013 Mackinaw Harvest http://www.trespassmusic.org/ or
11. Marc Douglas Berardo “This
Is What I Call Fun” Whalebone 2013
Trespass Music /Milo Production
http://www.trespassmusic.org/ or http://www.marcdouglas.com/ or http://www.reverbnation.com/marcdouglasberardo or
Douglas Berardo “Lightning” Whalebone
2013 Trespass Music/Milo Production http://www.marcdouglas.com/ or http://www.reverbnation.com/marcdouglasberardo or https://www.facebook.com/pages/Marc-Douglas-Berardo/70327730135 or
13. Bob Wall
“The Round Is On Me” Fōk 2013Self https://myspace.com/bobwallrock or https://www.facebook.com/bob.wall.14?fref=ts
14. Sultans of String “Luna” Symphony! 2013 Toronto Arts &
Ontario Arts Council / Factor Records http://www.sultansofstring.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/sultansofstring or https://twitter.com/sultansofstring
15. Sultans
of String “A Place To Call Home” Symphony!
2013 Toronto Arts & Ontario Arts Council / Factor Records http://www.sultansofstring.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/sultansofstring or https://twitter.com/sultansofstring
Sultans of String Live In Studio C perform “A Place
To Call Home” Kevin Laliberté guitar & Chris McKhool vocal: http://youtu.be/3EPbeka7png
16. Circe Link “Dream On” Dumb Luck 2013 Blackwings Multimedia http://www.circelink.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/circe.link or https://twitter.com/circelink
Circe Link & Christian Nesmith
Circe Link YouTube Channel:
17. Circe
Link “Gettin’ To Me” Dumb Luck 2013
Blackwings Multimedia http://www.circelink.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/circe.link or https://twitter.com/circelink
http://www.myspace.com/BROOKLYNYARN or http://www.facebook.com/brooklynyarn or http://www.youtube.com/user/bchristiana
19. Yarn
“Let’s Get Dark” Shine The Light On
2013 Ardsley Music http://www.yarnmusic.net/ or http://www.myspace.com/BROOKLYNYARN or http://www.facebook.com/brooklynyarn
20. Yarn
“Wasted Life” Shine The Light On 2013
Ardsley Music http://www.yarnmusic.net/ or http://www.myspace.com/BROOKLYNYARN or http://www.facebook.com/brooklynyarn
21. David Francey “American Blues” So Say We All 2013 Factor / Laker Music
/ Red House Records http://www.redhouserecords.com/ or http://www.redhouserecords.com/Francey.html or http://www.davidfrancey.com/
22. David Francey “Ordinary Man”
So Say We All 2013 Factor / Laker
Music / Red House Records http://www.redhouserecords.com/ or http://www.redhouserecords.com/Francey.html or http://www.davidfrancey.com/
23. Madame Devz Gypsy Wagon “Mister President” Live In
Studio C on the Wucx-Fm Eclectic Chair 10-15-2012 A Radio Chair Production http://www.facebook.com/pages/TheGypsyWagon/270561376332499
24. The Siegel-Schwall Band “The Underqualified Blues” Flash Forward 2005 Alligator Records http://www.alligator.com/ or
25. The Wood Brothers “The Muse” The Muse 2013 Southern Ground Artists http://www.southerngroundartists.com/ or
26. Esther Golton “Stay Warm” Stay Warm 2013 Tiny Cabin Music http://www.trespassmusic.org/ or http://esthergolton.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/esthergolton
27. The Thunder Chickens “Blues Girl” (Originally from Straight From The Coop 2008) Almost Free Music
Volume Two 2010 Those
Phoenix Productions http://freemusicfest.com/ or http://freemusicfest.com/support.html or
or http://www.facebook.com/#!/thethunderchickensrock
of the founding Sultans of String, Chris McKhool & Kevin Laliberté
28. Sultans of String “Palmas
Symphony! 2013 Toronto Arts &
Ontario Arts Council / Factor Records http://www.sultansofstring.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/sultansofstring or https://twitter.com/sultansofstring
The Eclectic Chair is broadcast from the studios of
Wucx-Fm Delta College
Quality Public Radio. “Like a derby queen I make
the scene / I’m not too green,
to know a good thing when I see it / Win,
place or show / Betting on the dark
horse, who could have known?” Lyrics from the song
“Gettin’ To Me” by Circe Link.☮