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Eclectic Chair 296 w/Host Trish Lewis from Wucx-Fm
Introduction Mike Henderson and The Bluebloods “Mister Downchild” Thicker Than Water 1998 Dead Reckoning Records
1. Tom Waits “Raised Right Men” Bad As Me 2011 Anti Records http://www.anti.com/home/ or http://www.anti.com/artists/view/1/Tom_Waits or http://badasme.com/
2. Tom Waits “Talking At The Same Time” Bad As Me 2011 Anti Records http://www.anti.com/home/ or http://www.anti.com/artists/view/1/Tom_Waits or http://badasme.com/
3. Tom Waits “She Stole The Blush” Bad As Me 2011 Anti Records http://www.anti.com/home/ or http://www.anti.com/artists/view/1/Tom_Waits or http://badasme.com/
4. Bert Deivert “Come Back Baby” Kidman Blues 2011 Hard Danger http://www.deivert.com/blues/Bert_Deivert_-_Blues_Mandolin.html or http://www.reverbnation.com/bertdeivert or http://www.myspace.com/bertdeivert
5. Bert Deivert “Kidman Blues” Kidman Blues 2011 Hard Danger http://www.deivert.com/blues/Bert_Deivert_-_Blues_Mandolin.html or http://www.reverbnation.com/bertdeivert or http://www.myspace.com/bertdeivert
6. Bert Deivert “Lula, Lula!” Kidman Blues 2011 Hard Danger http://www.deivert.com/blues/Bert_Deivert_-_Blues_Mandolin.html or http://www.reverbnation.com/bertdeivert or http://www.myspace.com/bertdeivert
7. Pharis & Jason Romero “Forsaken Love” A Passing Glimpse 2011 Lula Records http://www.jasonandpharis.com/ or http://www.facebook.com/pharisandjason or http://pharisjasonromero.bandcamp.com/
8. Pharis & Jason Romero “A Passing Glimpse” A Passing Glimpse 2011 Lula Records http://www.jasonandpharis.com/ or http://www.facebook.com/pharisandjason or http://pharisjasonromero.bandcamp.com/
9. Pharis & Jason Romero “I’m Just Here Getting My Baby Out Of Jail” A Passing Glimpse 2011 Lula Records http://www.jasonandpharis.com/ or http://www.facebook.com/pharisandjason or http://pharisjasonromero.bandcamp.com/
10. Scott Ellison “Hits Like Dynamite” Walkin’ Through The Fire 2011 JSE Records http://www.myspace.com/scottellisonband or http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100000745164804
11. Scott Ellison “Walkin’ Through The Fire” Walkin’ Through The Fire 2011 JSE Records http://www.myspace.com/scottellisonband or http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100000745164804
12. Scott Ellison “Trouble Times” Walkin’ Through The Fire 2011 JSE Records http://www.myspace.com/scottellisonband or http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100000745164804
13. Red Molly “Dear Someone” Light In The Sky 2011 Self http://www.redmolly.com/ or http://www.facebook.com/pages/Red-Molly/20466566337 or http://twitter.com/#!/redmollyband
14. Red Molly “Does My Ring Burn Your Finger” Light In The Sky 2011 Self http://www.redmolly.com/ or http://www.facebook.com/pages/Red-Molly/20466566337 or http://twitter.com/#!/redmollyband
15. Red Molly “Hello Goodbye” Light In The Sky 2011 Self http://www.redmolly.com/ or http://www.facebook.com/pages/Red-Molly/20466566337 or http://twitter.com/#!/redmollyband
16. Tom Limbaugh “Flat Top Miniature No. 6” Flat Top Suite – A Rural American Soundtrack 2011 American Guitar Music Company https://tomlimbaugh.com/ or https://tomlimbaugh.com/music.php
17. Tom Limbaugh “Flat Top Miniature No. 7” Flat Top Suite – A Rural American Soundtrack 2011 American Guitar Music Company https://tomlimbaugh.com/ or https://tomlimbaugh.com/music.php
Hour Two
18. Tom Limbaugh “Flat Top Miniature No. 8” Flat Top Suite – A Rural American Soundtrack 2011 American Guitar Music Company https://tomlimbaugh.com/ or https://tomlimbaugh.com/music.php
19. Shaun Murphy Band “Come To Mama” Shaun Murphy Live At Callahan’s Music Hall 2011 Vision Wall Ent http://www.shaunmurphyband.com/ or http://www.facebook.com/pages/Shaun-Murphy/109630346791?ref=ts or http://www.wix.com/exloxbaby/lra
20. Shaun Murphy Band “Someone Else Steppin’ In” Shaun Murphy Live At Callahan’s Music Hall 2011 Vision Wall Ent http://www.shaunmurphyband.com/ or http://www.facebook.com/pages/Shaun-Murphy/109630346791?ref=ts or http://www.wix.com/exloxbaby/lra
21. Shaun Murphy Band “I Know Why The Sun Don’t Shine” Shaun Murphy Live At Callahan’s Music Hall 2011 Vision Wall Ent http://www.shaunmurphyband.com/ or http://www.facebook.com/pages/Shaun-Murphy/109630346791?ref=ts or http://www.wix.com/exloxbaby/lra
22. Tom Waits “Get Lost” Bad As Me 2011 Anti Records http://www.anti.com/home/ or http://www.anti.com/artists/view/1/Tom_Waits or http://badasme.com/
23. Tom Waits “Pay Me” Bad As Me 2011 Anti Records http://www.anti.com/home/ or http://www.anti.com/artists/view/1/Tom_Waits or http://badasme.com/
24. Ry Cooder “Simple Tools” Pull Up Some Dust And Sit Down 2011 Nonesuch Records http://www.nonesuch.com/albums/pull-up-some-dust-and-sit-down or http://www.nonesuch.com/ or http://www.nonesuch.com/artists/ry-cooder
25. Ry Cooder “I Want My Crown” Pull Up Some Dust And Sit Down 2011 Nonesuch Records http://www.nonesuch.com/albums/pull-up-some-dust-and-sit-down or http://www.nonesuch.com/ or http://www.nonesuch.com/artists/ry-cooder
26. Ry Cooder “No Banker Left Behind” Pull Up Some Dust And Sit Down 2011 Nonesuch Records http://www.nonesuch.com/albums/pull-up-some-dust-and-sit-down or http://www.nonesuch.com/ or http://www.nonesuch.com/artists/ry-cooder
27. Stephen Colarelli “We Must Try” Time And Circumstances 2008 Manistee River Music http://www.reverbnation.com/stephencolarelli or http://stephencolarelli.bandcamp.com/album/time-and-circumstances
Matthew Grimm isn't just the scary guy at the end of the bar!
28. Matthew Grimm & The Red Smear “One Big Union” The Ghost Of Rock And Roll” 2009 Mud Dauber Records http://www.muddauberrecords.com/ or http://www.muddauberrecords.com/Matthew_Grimm.html or http://www.redsmear.com/
29. The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band “Everything’s Raising” The Wages 2010 Side One Dummy Records http://sideonedummy.com/ or http://www.bigdamnband.com/ or http://www.facebook.com/bigdamnband?sk=app_2405167945
30. John Prine “Paradise” The Singing Mailman Delivers 2011 Oh Boy Records http://www.ohboy.com/ or http://www.johnprine.net/
31. John Prine “The Frying Pan” The Singing Mailman Delivers 2011 Oh Boy Records http://www.ohboy.com/ or http://www.johnprine.net/
32. John Prine “A Star, A Jewel, And A Hoax” The Singing Mailman Delivers 2011 Oh Boy Records http://www.ohboy.com/ or http://www.johnprine.net/
33. D’Mar & Gill (Derrick “D’Mar” Martin & Chris Gill) “International Blues Stomp” Real Good Friends 2011 Airtight Productions http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dmar-Gill/230325857010790 or http://www.chrisgillmusic.com/ or http://www.myspace.com/derrickdmarmartin
The Eclectic Chair is produced in the studios of WUCX-FM Delta College Quality Public Radio.
“…Everything’s raising but our wages / Gasoline, groceries and our ages / Everything’s raising but the wages”
- from the song “Everything’s Raising” by The Reverend Peyton.
Have a seat on the next Eclectic Chair each week on this fine public radio station. PEACE☮